VCSU Student Senate Meeting Agenda February 9, 2015

VCSU Student Senate
Meeting Agenda
February 9, 2015
Call to Order
Roll Call (hours)
Approval of Minutes
a. Courtney Pederson moves to approve without objections
Approval of Agenda
a. Kaitlyn H. moves to amend: Spring Blast will be moved up on the agenda
b. Passes
Old Business
a. Spring Blast
i. Tarah and Kaitlyn H. are doing the planning for senate’s night
ii. Monday or Tuesday (March 23rd & March 24th)
iii. Tarah and Kaitlyn want Monday (Meeting would be canceled)
iv. Minute to win it (candy gifts)
v. March Madness
vi. Fashion Show
vii. Survivor or Amazing Race theme
viii. Scavenger hunt
ix. Games to Go website ideas
x. Pool party
xi. Casino night
xii. Brianna moves to take Monday March 23rd
xiii. Tarah seconds
xiv. Passes
xv. Night: if we don’t have a meeting you have to come to the event
xvi. Noon hour: Minute To Win It
xvii. Night: Tarah and Kaitlyn will finalize it and bring it back next meeting
b. 125th Senate Involvement
i. Ideas for senate involvement
ii. University brick wall that would say Valley City State University
iii. Something to see as you drive up to campus
iv. Interstate ramp to campus
v. 8x15 : $12,000
vi. Ask other organizations
vii. Gazebo idea: these funds may not be able to be transferred to Rock Sign
1. It will be on the campus
2. Placed east of Graichen lawn area
3. Trees may go if it they are at end of life
viii. Sign idea is a good idea for students
1. Funding for this would have to come from the clubs and organizations
2. Fundraisers would have to help
3. Ask faculty and staff if students can't pay enough
ix. Basketball court by Snoey
x. Brianna moves to update the basketball court
xi. Natasha seconds
xii. Discussion: asphalt, bench, hoop, students want to pay for something that they
get to use
xiii. Passes
xiv. Who wants to run this project: (2-3 people) Brianna, Shanley, Courtney
Pederson, Jessica Sanden
xv. Senior gift: support might be needed
xvi. Look at the cost first
xvii. Gift ideas: Freshman or sophomore gift?
New Business
a. Finance Requests
i. Tennis Club requests $500
1. Use to go to sectionals
2. Kaitlyn motions to approve the tennis club with $500
3. Courtney Pederson seconds
4. Passes-$500 approved
ii. Fisheries and Wildlife Club
1. State wide convections
2. Registration fee—pay the amount with invoice
3. 24 attendees reimbursement
4. Courtney Pederson motions to approve the Fisheries and Wildlife Club
with invoice
5. Kaitlyn H. Seconds
6. Passes
iii. Community Olympics and Chili Cook off Request
1. Courtney P approves Community Olympics and Chili Cook off Request
with invoice up to $300
2. Shayna seconds
iv. Winter Show Themed Late Night
1. Helping VCAB with this night—lots of activities planned
2. Brianna moves to approve $500
3. Natasha seconds
4. Passes
a. President
i. University Policy Committee- student member interested (new members)
1. Nick
ii. University hearings and appeals board
1. Working on the board—reviewed the policies
2. Draft will be shared
iii. Report on what’s going on in VCSU Senate Life-sent out to
b. Vice President
i. No Report
c. Treasurer
i. No Report
d. Secretary
i. Senate pictures
1. Send a list of names in email
ii. Please sign up for at least one time slot
iii. Send me reports
i. Anyone who are going to February can people help build signs (Tall people)
i. Gift Card bingo
ii. Movie night
i. No report
h. Viking Ambassadors
i. Meeting tonight after Senate
ii. Currently, we are in the process of accepting application for new ambassadors
1. Applications are due Friday, February 27th at 4pm
2. Applications can be sent via email or hardcopy to Charlene Stenson or
Jessica O’Day
i. Athletics
i. Representative absent
j. Fine Arts
i. Dr. Ong’s piano recital tonight at 7:30 in Froemke
k. Communication and Social Sciences
i. No report
l. Business and Informational Technologies
i. DECA:
1. 4 students went to Fargo for the Career Development Conference (State
2. All 4 students that went placed in there events
3. Dillon Thomas: 3rd place Professional Sales Prepared Event
4. Carson Sorby: 1st place Professional Sales Prepared Event
5. Carson Sorby and Staci Hovland: 2rd place Business to business event
6. Madelyn Zane: 2nd place Professional Sales Prepared Event/ 2nd place
Sales Management Meeting/ Top 6 finalist Retail Management
m. Education
i. No Report
n. Science and Math
i. No Report
o. Other Reports
a. Diversify series
b. Orientation Leaders application are still being expected
c. Constitution Committee Meeting
i. Directly after senate meetings
a. Madelyn moves to adjourn with no objections