Facilities Services Weekly Update Meeting 11/25/2015 9:30 am Attendance: Kelli, Rick, Kevin K, Fred, Jessica, Ron, Pat 1. Current Projects a. Vangstad i. Progress is still slow. The stairs have not yet been ordered and they have had the shop drawings since 11/4. The glass wall ETA is still up in the air- there is no conclusive answer from the contractor. ii. VCSU is still planning to use the Vangstad Classroom area for spring semester. iii. Still in conversation about the curtains. iv. Signage- no update. v. Furniture is being ordered today through our office. There will be a lot coming and some will need to be assembled but it will all need to be moved. b. Flood Wall i. Viking Drive is open today. The north side of the temporary Foss west lot will be closed starting Friday afternoon. c. Wellness Center i. No update d. Heat Plant i. Letter of intent was given to Wrigley Mechanical to do all mechanical work on this project. ii. There will be a meeting in Fargo next Thursday to talk about the building structure. iii. Brick samples were discussed. iv. The electrical package has been sent out to 2 Fargo firms trying to get costs put together. v. North end of the existing building likely won’t need to stay. There is a more cost effective option by going underground and tying everything together. Everything will be piped over to the new building. e. Back Alley i. No update f. Lighting i. Ordered new lights for parking lots and city ordered lights for the street lights. Ron gave out a campus map for the locations. Still working on the Student Center lighting issues. ii. Theatre 320 lights will be installed over break. g. Housing i. 614 is complete. h. Master Plan i. No update i. Circle Hall Elevator Repairs i. Pat will set up a date (hopefully over break) to have them come do the project. j. 2. 3. 4. 5. Student Center Kitchen Ceiling i. Contract was awarded to Wick Construction. They are ordering materials and they will be on campus to start over break. k. Field House Training Room Accreditation i. Start date is December 10th ii. Jack still hasn’t contacted the office, but Keith is working on setting up partitions. iii. Wesley has been in contact with Jack trying to figure out where everyone is going- Pat will follow up with Jack. iv. Drew made the railing, it’s in the shop for whenever it’s ready to be installed. l. McFarland Stabilization i. Sandman Consulting came out to look at the building and it has shifted again. Kurt will talk to Hayward Baker to find out what our options are and he will get numbers put together. Future Projects a. Projects ON HOLD i. Field House Addition ii. Student Center Upper Lounge (Summer ’16) 1. Pat is working on getting the prices for the ceiling, railings, ramp, and inserts for the panels. They are also looking at the cafeteria floor and Pat is getting prices. iii. McCoy Guest Suite iv. Circle Hall Interior v. Fine Arts Building (funding) vi. Alumni Room Updates (planning committee & budget/estimates) Events a. Kelli is continuing to work with Kim for Graduation on 12/17 b. Music contest on Dec 3rd will be in Student Center, Foss and Rhoades. c. Kelli is training Kelsey, our new student employee, in Astra so she will be able to help cover events while Kelli is on maternity leave. Safety/Training a. Discussed door windows/active shooter safety. This will be an added topic for the Emergency Management Team meeting in December. b. We are coming to the end of another quarter so this is a reminder to make sure you are up to date on the modules that need to be done. Jessica will email those who need to finish theirs- if you do NOT receive an email, you won’t need to worry. FAMIS a. Updated on time management system and the issues it may cause with FAMIS. We will work through any issue that come up- would like to be able to test early if possible. b. We will be going through an upgrade with the app soon. Watch for new features after that happens. The upgrade will be forced when it’s necessary on your devices so everyone will be able to use. c. The Android app is still in progress. When it’s available you can use if you would like to on personal devices but it’s definitely not required. 6. Building Services a. Doing interviews next Tuesday. There are three applicants. 7. Maintenance a. Daryl Heise will be starting in the new carpenter position next Monday. There will be a new employee welcome/birthday celebration that day as well. 8. Power House a. Had a bad valve on the circulating pump in Kolstoe that they worked on yesterday. Will need to be worked on during break while students are gone. 9. Other a. Need to get 8-10 tables out of storage and brought up to 4th floor McFarland for Student Media room. This will happen next week. i. Pat would like to organize to have Wick’s lift to move these items. ii. We need to do an inventory and organize the storage building.