MUSPF 249/MUS 715: JAZZ ENSEMBLE T/F 2:10-3:00 p.m. – Hunter North 635 (Brecher Hall) Professor Ryan Keberle Course Objective: This course will provide an opportunity to perform, study, listen to, and appreciate the indigenous American musical style of Jazz. Other styles will also be dealt with, including Latin Jazz, Fusion, and Rock. Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on the importance of learning to play with others, developing stage presence and confidence, as well as an introductory look at improvisation, arranging techniques, and music theory. NOTE: Students are encouraged to register for ensembles prior to the required audition. After the audition, which is held during the first week of the semester, students will need to adjust their class schedules accordingly. (Students who do not pass the audition will be asked to drop the course.) Grading Policy: Grades will be based solely on attendance, class participation, and preparedness. Please be tuned up and ready to play at 2:10pm with all necessary instruments, mutes, cables, and other equipment. ALWAYS BRING A PENCIL. Attendance: As this class meets only twice a week for a very limited amount of time, it is of the utmost importance that all members of the ensemble are present for all rehearsals, and ready to play at the beginning of class. When absent, not only do you miss out on valuable rehearsal time, but the rest of the ensemble misses out on your contribution. Two (2) absences from rehearsals will be allowed no questions asked. Further absences will lower your grade one-half a letter grade (A to A-, A- to B, etc.). If you arrive more than 5 minutes late you will be marked absent. Performances: Attendance is required for all performances. No exceptions. Everyone is expected to help with the setup and breakdown of performance equipment. This includes music stands and chairs, guitar and bass amps, and drum set, etc. Dress Code: All black for both men and women. Men: Dress Shirt with collar, dress pants, dress shoes and socks. Women: Dress shirt, dress pants or skirt. There is no eating or drinking allowed at any time, with the exception of water. Incompletes: In the Music Department, a grade of incomplete is granted only in cases of serious, documented emergencies, and then only when permission has been obtained in writing from the Department Chair, no later than one week before the final class meeting. Withdrawals: Students who wish to withdraw from a class with a grade of W may do so by submitting a withdrawal form with the required signatures to the Oasis by the announced deadline (around the 8th week of class). Withdrawal after the deadline is allowed only in cases of serious emergency and must be approved by Student Services. Students who stop attending a class without withdrawing officially will receive grades of WU, which count the same as F. The Music Department does not support requests to have grades of WU changed retroactively to W.