Note: The shaded areas indicate proposed additions and the strike-through... indicate proposed deletions to the existing wording.

Note: The shaded areas indicate proposed additions and the strike-through areas
indicate proposed deletions to the existing wording.
Curriculum Council
Standing Rules
The Curriculum Council reviews the University curricula in an effort to
implement the long-range educational mission of the University. After careful
study, it recommends the introduction of new programs or changes in existing
ones programs. It makes recommendations regarding major curricular changes
proposed by the academic units of the University. It attempts by coordination to
bring about a suitable and rational balance of academic programs. It delegates to
the Council's Chair responsibility for approving minor curricular changes. It
approves minor curricular changes. It formulates curricular policy and publishes,
in cooperation with the Office of Academic Programs, a Curricular Procedures
Handbook. Also, in cooperation with the Office of Academic Programs and
Academic Assessment, it conducts periodic reviews of all undergraduate
programs and reports the results of these reviews to the Provost.
The Council consists of nine eleven Faculty members and two Student members.
In addition, the following are to be members: A member of the Budgets & Fiscal
Planning Committee, appointed by its chair, serves as a liaison member, nonvoting. The Director of Academic Programs, ex-officio, non-voting, serves as the
Council's Executive Secretary. Three Information Services faculty members, nonvoting, are appointed annually by the Vice Provost for Information Services; one
represents the library, one represents OSU Extended Campus, and one
represents instructional technology. The Catalog Coordinator and Academic
Programs and Assessment Coordinator shall also serve as ex-officio, non-voting
members. The Faculty members are to be teaching faculty and, if possible, the
distribution of members by College shall be: Science (2), Liberal Arts (2),
Engineering (1), Health and Human Sciences (1), Agricultural Sciences (1),
Forestry (1), Business (1), and the professional Colleges (Oceanic and
Atmospheric Sciences, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine) (1); the School of
Education shall also have one member. The Council shall also include as exofficio, non-voting members the Director of Academic Programs and Academic
Assessment and a member of the Budgets and Fiscal Planning Committee,
appointed by its Chair. The Council shall also include one liaison member each
from the Library, Extended Campus, Instructional Technology, Academic
Advising Council and the Registrar’s Office; and up to three liaison members
from Academic Programs and Academic Assessment. Liaison members may
attend any Council meeting when they deem an issue of interest to them is being