Protocol for good office management of energy and water [DOC 74.50KB]

Always switch off the lights when you leave a room
unoccupied. *
Saves energy.
Appliances left on stand-by still use energy – where possible
switch equipment off at the socket when not in use for
prolonged periods of time.
Saves energy (standby modes can
use between 10-60% of the energy
that would be used if the device was
switched on). Reduces risk of fire.
Report any leaking taps.
Saves water.
Maximise the use of natural lighting and switch off artificial
lighting when possible.
Saves energy – natural light is better
for our vision.
Switch off your PC monitor when not in use (the monitor
uses about 2/3rds of the PC’s total electricity).
Saves energy and prolongs the life of
the monitor.
Enable the power down features on your PC – screen
savers do not save energy. Putting your PC into hibernation
mode enables it to start up where you left it. **
Saves energy.
Switch office equipment off at night – especially
photocopiers and printers.
Saves energy and reduces risk of fire.
Avoid using high energy appliances such as portable
heaters and microwaves.
Reduces energy consumption.
Only boil enough water in a kettle for the number of drinks
required, ensuring the element is covered. – use communal
kitchen facilities where available (also saves on portable
appliance testing costs if we have less kettles).
Saves energy.
Do not use energy-wasteful halogen floor lamps – they use
many times the energy of conventional incandescent or overhead
fluorescent lighting and produce a lot of heat.
Where required, use task lighting with compact fluorescent lamps
(not wasteful incandescent bulbs).
Both reduced energy consumption
and risk of fire.
More energy efficient.
Report instances of energy/water wastage or suggestions for
energy/water saving measures to the School Safety Adviser.
Some people believe turning lights on and off uses more energy than leaving them on,
and shortens the life of the tube. But with modern fluorescent lights this is no longer the
case. The process of ignition takes 300 times the operational current, for a period of
0.3ms (0.0003 seconds). That means that switching your light ON takes as much power
as the tube consumes in 0.09 of a second of operation. So if you leave the room for
longer than 0.09 seconds, turning your light OFF will save energy!
Use the energy saving options on your PC as follows:
Click on “start”, Go to “settings”
Click on “control panel”
Click on “power options” the icon is a battery & plug.
Go to “Hibernate” tag and “Enable hibernation”.
Click on apply.