Angel Tam 3C 28

Angel Tam
3C 28
There are two policies suggested by our Chief Executive. The first one is
using energy saving bulb in stead of the common light bulb because it can save 70%
of energy. It is good for the environment. Also, the two power companies will
distribute cash coupons of the energy saving bulb for the residents. I don’t really
support this policy. It is because the price of the energy saving bulb is much more
expensive than the common light bulb. In a common supermarket, the same style of
common light bulb and the energy saving bulb, the common light bulb only costs $3
and the energy saving bulb costs $20. Although the two power companies have given
out the coupons, it is for one time use only. If the light bulb is out of order, the people
have to buy the light bulb with normal price, it will be very expensive. Some poor
people can’t afford to buy it. I think the two power companies should keep giving the
coupons to the people for a longer period.
The second policy is “Happy Family Campaign” to promote family core
values. Many social problems, including neglect of elderly people and children, are
related to family. Better family relationships mean fewer social problems. So
Government want to launch this campaign. But I don’t agree that better family
relations will reduce fewer social problems. The parents are very busy and they do
not have enough time to take care of their children. So they have to leave their
children alone at home. It is not because of the bad relationship of family. They need
to go to work for long hours. But, employing a maid need a huge sum of money. We
need to pay $3500 each month for each maid/domestic helper. Some people only earn
$10000 each month. Then $3500 is a large proportion of their salaries. They will not
have any money for saving. I think “Happy Family Campaign” is not a good measure,
it will not reduce the case of neglect of elderly people and children.
(350 words)