Edith Lai

EPA assignment
My address: Pai Tau Wai, Shatin
W: Mr. Wong
E: Edith
E: Hi Mr. Wong, you have been living in Shatin for 30 years. In your view, which
place in Shatin is most suitable for tourists to experience Chinese culture?
W: Hi Edith. Shatin is such a wonderful place for tourists to experience Chinese
culture. Today I would like to introduce “The Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery” to
E: I have heard about this place.
Can you tell me more about the history of this
Sure. In year 1938, Master Yuet Kai(月溪法師) left his hometown, Guangzhou
and came to Hong Kong for propagating Buddhist teachings. He chose to live in
Shatin and started to prepare building “The Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery”.
Master Yuet Kai did everything by himself. He carried pieces of huge rock to the
hilltop everyday and used his hands to model innumerable statues of Buddha which
were then located on the both sides of the staircase than reach the monastery. After 20
years, the monastery was built.
E: Wow! That is amazing! His fervor towards Buddhism is commendable.
Besides looking at the untold number of supernaturally fine statues located on both
sides of the staircase while walking uphill to reach the monastery, what else is worth
doing in the monastery?
W: You can also enjoy the vegetarian meal made by the monks. The vegetarian
meal made by them is very famous in Hong Kong which make many tourists to come
on account of its reputation. Also, there are monks to preach Buddhist doctrine, if
tourists are interested in it, they can sit inside a temple and listen to them as the monks
can speak in many different languages!
E: I see. As I know that there is a lot of pagoda in the monastery. Among the
pagodas, which one would you recommend to tourists?
I think the “Thousand Buddha Hall”(萬佛殿)and “Guanyin Pavilion”(觀音亭)is
worth going.
In the “Thousand Buddha Hall”, tourists can see more than 12,800
statue of Buddha, they are even more beautiful than those which are located on the
two sides of the staircase! In “Guanyin Pavilion”, tourists can have a look at the
second largest Buddha statue in Hong Kong. In addition, there’s an exhibition
showing the fishermen’s life in Shatin in the past, when Hong Kong was still a
farming village.
E: That’s great! I can learn more about primary production though it has declined
as Shatin has already been developed into a new town and many agricultural lands
have already changed to commercial or residential land use. Mr Wong, can you tell
me how can we reach the monetary?
W: OK. You can get off at Shatin station if you take MTR or you can take bus
route 682 and take taxi after you get off at “Siu Lik Yuen Road”(小瀝源路).
E: Thank you for your time and detailed explanation Mr. Wong.
You’re welcome, Edith.
Good bye!
Knowing that many tourists are very interested in knowing more about Chinese
culture, therefore I chose “The Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery” to introduce to
them. After having the interview with Mr. Wong, I am sure that Shatin is a place
which is worth being to introduce to tourists as it can let them know more about the
religion of China, Buddhism which represents Chinese culture. They can also have a
look at the statues of Buddha which are rare in foreign countries and it is another
symbol of Chinese culture. Through the exhibition in the “Guanyin Pavilion”(觀音
亭), tourists can learn more about the lives of fishermen in Shatin in the 1930s. Also,
Shatin has a good transport network, in other words, high accessibility. It is
convenient and easy for tourists to go to. Furthermore, I think they will love
enjoying the vegetarian meal in the monastery as some magazines often introduce
them and it is famous in Hong Kong. Lastly, I am sure that they will be touched by
the hospitality of the monk and have a good impression of Hong Kong. Hence they
will come and spend their holidays in Hong Kong and thus boost the economy of
Hong Kong.
Photos of the monastery and the interviewee
This is the Guanyin Pavilion.
This photo shows the statues located at the two
sides of the stairs.
He is Mr. Wong, my interviewee.