MAT Student Teaching Evaluation

Drew University MAT Student Teaching Evaluation Form
Observation #:
Student teacher:
Cooperating Teacher:
Assessment Instructions and Key
This assessment is to be used with all student teaching interns. It is aligned with the New
Jersey Professional Standards for teachers (NJPST). The following scale is used for the
Very good
demonstrates mastery of standard
has a good command of standard (above average)
shows adequate understanding (meets standard)
shows progress towards meeting standard
has not yet met standard
not applicable
Standard One: Subject Matter Knowledge
Candidates understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, structures of the discipline
as they relate to the NJ Core Curriculum Contend Standard.
Demonstrates knowledge of subject matter of the NJCCCS.
Uses relevant materials, resources and technologies to make the
subject matter accessible to all students.
Uses discipline specific pedagogy.
Comments and examples
Standard Two: Human Growth and Development
Candidates shall understand how children and adolescents develop and learn in a variety
of school, family and community contexts.
Is sensitive to students’ developmental levels and provides
scaffolding to guide them to new levels.
Provides instruction for multiple learning styles and meets
individual needs.
Comments and examples
Standard Three: Diverse Learners
Candidates shall understand the practice of culturally responsive teaching. They shall
understand how a person’s worldview is mediated by such factors as social glass, gender,
race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, age and special needs. The process of
second language acquisition and strategies to support the learning of students who first
language is not English.
Connects content to student’s language, culture,
background and community.
Uses instructional strategies to make content curriculum
accessible to ELLs.
Comments and examples
Standard Four: Instructional Planning and Strategies
Candidates shall understand instructional planning, design long and short term plans
based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, community and curriculum goals and
shall employ a variety of developmentally appropriate strategies as well as techniques for
modifying instructional methods, materials and the environment to help all students learn.
They should be able to incorporate a wide range of community and technological
resources into the curriculum.
Incorporates multiply teaching stratefies (direct instruction,
cooperative learning, role play, simulation, projects, case study).
Promotes higher order thinking and analysis.
Provides opportunities to sue technology for active
and collaborative learning.
Uses appropriate lesson plan and is able to adapt and modify
Comments and examples
Standard Five: Assessment
Candidates shall understand and use multiple assessment strategies and interpret results
to evaluate and promote student learning. They should know and understand
characteristics uses, advantages and limitations of criterion referenced, norm referenced,
traditional standardized and performance based tests, observation systems and
assessments of student work.
Uses formative assessment in to determine if students understand
content and to plan and adapt lessons.
Uses a variety of assessments both formal and informal to evaluate
Uses performance assessments to evaluate higher order thinking.
Comments and examples
Standard Six: Learning Environment
Candidate shall understand individual and group motivation and behavior and shall create
a supportive, safe and respectful learning environment that encourages positive social
interaction, active engagement in learning and self motivation. They should know and
understand the practices and principles of effective classroom management that promote
positive relationships, cooperation and purposeful learning activities in the classroom.
Creates a positive learning environment where students are not
afraid to take risks.
Uses effective classroom management strategies
Motivates students to learn
Manages transitions effectively
Comments and examples
Standard Seven: Special Needs
Candidates shall adapt and modify instruction to accommodate the learning needs of all
students. They shall know how to access information regarding applicable laws,
participate in the design and implementation of the Individualized Education Program
(IEP). Meet the needs of all learners through use of wide variety of teaching techniques
to accommodate and modify strategies.
Differentiates instruction to meet the needs of
all learners.
Makes Provisions and accommodations for student with
exceptionalities in an inclusive setting.
Comments and examples
Standard Eight: Communication
Candidates shall use knowledge of effective verbal, non verbal and written
communication techniques and the tools of information literacy to foster the use of
inquiry, collaboration and supportive interactions. They shall appreciate the cultural
dimension of communication, responding appropriately and seeking to foster culturally
sensitive communication.
Uses effective communication strategies (demonstrates
caring and enthusiasm).
Supports student communication through writing
and speaking.
Uses technology to communicate with students
and parents.
Comments and examples
Standard Nine: Collaboration and Partnerships
Teachers shall build relationships with parents, guardian, families and agenicies in the
community to support student’s learning and well being.
Demonstrates respect and cultural sensitivity when communicating
with students and their families.
Uses school and community resources to foster learning.
Comments and examples
Standard Ten: Professional Development
Teachers shall participate as active, responsible members of the professional community
by engaging in a wide variety of reflective practices, pursuing opportunities to grow
professionally and establishing collegial relationships to enhance the teaching and
learning process.
Accepts and uses feedback from colleagues and peers to improve
Is able to self evaluate through critical reflection.
Comments and examples
Please describe the candidate’s strengths and the areas in which you feel that the
candidate needs to grow.
Supervisor/Cooperating Teacher signature _______________________Date _______
Student Teacher’s signature ___________________________________ Date ______