Category I Proposals for the May 2013 Faculty Senate Meeting

Category I Proposals for the
May 2013 Faculty Senate Meeting
May 9, 2013
Proposal #85162:
Rename a program: BS in Forest Management to BS in Forestry
Proposal #82674:
Rename a unit: Agricultural Resource Economics (AREC) to Applied
Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council
May 9, 2013
Rename a program:
BS in Forest Management to BS in Forestry
Executive Summary:
This proposal seeks to change the title of the BS in Forest Management
program to the BS in Forestry. The BS in Forestry will have two options:
Forest Management and Forest Operations Management. (A third option,
Forest Conservation Management, is planned.) The seven options of the
Forest Management major will be terminated. Separate proposals to
establish a Professional Program Model for the BS in Forestry are coming.
This will continue to be managed by Forest Engineering, Resources and
Management (FERM).
This change is designed to reflect a broadening of the program focus.
These changes are expected to make the overall degree program more
attractive for student recruitment.
Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council
May 9, 2013
Rename a program:
BS in Forest Management to BS in Forestry
Curriculum changes, currently being proposed through the Category II
process, reflect a restructuring of the program into a professional program
model (PPM), the addition of a two-week field school, and the addition of a
co-op program.
The program will continue to be offered in its entirety on the Corvallis
campus, but the department is working with Ecampus and various
community colleges to enable the first two years to be completed offsite.
Budget Impacts: Mostly consists of additional FTEs to coordinate the coop program, develop and teach Ecampus courses, and advise additional
Forestry students.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council
May 9, 2013
Rename a program:
BS in Forest Management to BS in Forestry
Accreditation: Accreditation by the Society of American
Foresters is not expected to be affected.
Letters of Support:
• Starker Forests
Liaison with other Universities:
• This program is unique within OUS and in the Pacific Northwest.
Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council
May 9, 2013
Rename a program:
BS in Forest Management to BS in Forestry
Issues: There were questions about the Ecampus planning. These were
CC Vote: The Curriculum Council approved this proposal, with no
dissenting votes.
Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council
May 9, 2013
Rename a unit:
Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC) to Applied Economics
Executive Summary:
This proposal seeks to rename the Agricultural and Resource Economics
(AREC) Department to the Department of Applied Economics.
In a separate, but related, move, the Applied Economics Graduate Program
was moved from the Grad School into this department in December 2012.
Rationale: This rename probably should have been done some time ago.
This name more closely reflects the department’s actual activities. It also
unifies the undergraduate and graduate degree names.
Impacts to Students: The name change will not affect course offerings.
Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council
May 9, 2013
Rename a unit:
Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC) to Applied Economics
Budget Impacts:
Letterhead, web pages, business cards, etc.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Liaison Letters:
• OSU School of Public Policy
• OSU School of Social and Behavioral Health Sciences
• OSU College of Forestry
• Oregon Wheat Commission
Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council
May 9, 2013
Rename a unit:
Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC) to Applied Economics
1. The only issue was the memory of previous conflict between the
two Economic departments. In this proposal, Denise Lach was
contacted for a liaison letter. She polled the CLA Economics
faculty and then wrote:
(e) Denise Lach, Transitional Director, SPP, CLA:
From: "Lach, Denise" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 16:11:21 -0700
To: Susan Capalbo <>
Subject: RE: AREC name change proposal
Susan – I like the name; I think it’s great and agree it’s a stronger reflection of where
you are now and where you can go in the future. It will definitely be less
Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council
May 9, 2013
Rename a unit:
Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC) to Applied Economics
To be absolutely sure, the CC recontacted her. She then replied:
From: "Lach, Denise" <>
To: "Bailey, Mike" <>
Subject: Proposal to rename AREC
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2013 21:06:12 +0000
Mike - thanks for the call regarding this proposal to rename Agricultural and Resource
Economics (AREC) as Applied Economics (AE). Last spring the proposal was in
liaison, I talked with the Econ program faculty in the School of Public Policy to ensure
that any reasonable concerns about the name change were uncovered and entered
into the process. I am confident that the liaison letter I submitted at the time reflected
those concerns. Let me know if you need additional information. Denise
Denise Lach, Director
School of Public Policy
Professor, Sociology<>
Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council
May 9, 2013
Rename a unit:
Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC) to Applied Economics
CC Vote: The Curriculum Council approved this proposal, with no
dissenting votes.
Mike Bailey, OSU Curriculum Council
May 9, 2013