R&D Management Conference 2011 Instructions for full paper submission The paper should not exceed 7000 words, including references. The first page should include the title (18 pt, bold, centered); authors’ names, affiliations and e-mail (12 pt, centered); a short abstract (100-150 words, centered); and 3-7 keywords. Note that this abstract is considerably shorter than the “Revised abstract” of 500 words, which should be uploaded as a separate file. 1st level headings should be bold and numbered ‘1.’,’ 2.’, etc.; 2nd level headings should be in italics and numbered ‘1.1’, ‘1.2’, etc. Use the following paragraph spacing for all headings: single line space, 18 pt before and 12 pt after. For body text use Times New Roman 12 pt., single line spacing. Paragraphs should have a first line indentation of 0.51 cm (14.4 pt), except after headings. For references, use Harvard style citation: authors’ surname and year of publication in parenthesis, e.g. (Smith & Jones, 2011) or authors’ surname in text and year of publication in parenthesis, e.g. Smith & Jones (2011) argue that…; provide full reference in reference list by the end of the paper according to the following examples: journal articles: Magnusson, T & Berggren, C (2011): Entering an era of ferment – radical vs. incrementalist strategies in automotive powertrain development, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 23 (3), 313–330 books.: Stern, N (2007): The economics of climate change: The Stern review, Cambridge university press chapters in books: Quinn, J B (1988): Innovation and corporate strategy: Managed chaos. In: Tushman M L & Moore W L (editors.): Readings in the management of innovation, 2nd edition, New York: Harper Business, 123–137