Assessment Committee Meeting Report for January 30, 2007 Attendees: Randy Storms, Terry Coleman, Tom Prendergast, Paul Sukys, Anne Vinson, Bob Cyders, Janet Boeckman, Jay Jacquet, Mike Allen, Kate Peresie Kate called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC DISCUSSION Core Outcomes Critical Thinking Team – has not met this quarter. Team Reports ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPON-SIBLE Robyn Denney, Janet will contact Robyn TIMELINE By 2/2 Consider using/writing questions on surveys for assessment of core learning outcomes. Core Teams 2/27 Put this on agenda for Kate 2/27 Schedule meeting, make progress. Communication Team – Mike and Terry reported that a proposal was sent to Curriculum Committee to require all degree-seeking students to take SP 101. The Team plans to use SpAC to assess. Math Team – Bob reported that the Team is interviewing Dept. Chairs to develop a matirx of the math concepts every grad needs to know. Computer Literacy Team – Tom submitted a written update. After discussion, the Committee advised the Team to apply the assessment tool they are researching at when students are near graduation only. If the assessment process reveals that graduates do not attain an acceptable level of competency (or if some other teaching/learning process reveals a problem for students at entry into the college/progra/course) then some of the strategies the Team was considering would be re-considered at that time. Employer & Graduate Surveys Culture & Community Team – Paul reported that the Team is working to address the concerns revealed by the Committee’s evaluation in December. Tom reported that the College’s Employer and Graduate surveys may have data for core outcomes assessment. He also indicated that the survey questions and process can be changed. Student Success Plan Web site March 20 ORB Regional Meeting Next Meeting Terry Coleman has convened a team to work on the web site layout – Terry, Mike and Mike Renock-Welker. Kate suggested adding Nikki Workman. next meeting. Develop web site. Mike, Mike, Terry By 3/9 Kate provided an outline of the reports and information we should Publish our reports. include on the web site that would align it with OBR requirements. Mike suggested links from the Core Outcomes to the Programs/Departments or courses where they are addressed. Terry noted those are in the ProActive Report. Kate By 3/16 Mike agreed to develop a template for the Core Teams to submit their information for the web site. Terry, Tom and Bruce Sliney will be attending the meeting. (Kate will be out of state.) Develop template Mike By 2/16 Meeting for 2/6 is canceled – Core Teams gave update reports today; conflict with AQIP Training. Next meeting is 2/27. Send agenda Kate Week prior