1 North Central State College Program Outcome Statements Human Services Department 11/3/2009 Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose Departmental/Program Intended Outcomes/Objectives Assessment Criteria & Procedures Assessment Results Use of Results 1a. 75% of the employer respondents will indicate that the graduate is very proficient or proficient in the helping process. (Employer Survey, specific questions) These specific results are not indicated in the 20082009 Graduate Competencies Survey compiled by Career Services. Program Specific Employer Survey will provide this information in the future. 1b. 75% of the graduate respondents will indicate that they are very proficient or proficient in the helping process. (Graduate Survey, specific questions) These specific results are not indicated in the 20082009 Graduate Competencies Survey compiled by Career Services. Program Specific Employer Survey will provide this information in the future. College Mission Statement: To provide quality, responsive, lifelong learning opportunities, including occupational, degree, and other educational programs for individuals, business and industry, and the communities we serve. Program Mission Statement: To prepare an entry-level Human Services Professional who is skilled in the helping process. Goal Statements 1. Maximize student access. 2. Guide students toward educational success. 3. Guarantee quality educational experience. 1. Graduates will be proficient in the helping process at the micro, mezzo and macro levels with Human Services. 2 North Central State College Program Outcome Statements Human Services Department 11/3/2009 Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose Departmental/Program Intended Outcomes/Objectives 2. Graduates will demonstrate professional attitudes, behaviors and ethics. Assessment Criteria & Procedures Assessment Results Use of Results 1c. 90% of students enrolled in the Human Services Directed Practice (Capstone Course) will receive a very proficient or proficient rating in the helping process. (Capstone Assessment Tool) Results for Fall 2008, Winter 2009 and Spring 2009 indicate that 90% of students received a very proficient or proficient rating. Utilized in program evaluation for any needed changes. 2a. 75% of first year students will receive a passing grade in HSV 102 Professionalism in Human Services course. Results for Fall 2008, Winter 2009 and Spring 2009 indicate that 75% of first year students received a passing grade in HSV 102. Will continue to gather this data. 2b. 75% of the students enrolled in HSV 240 and HSV 250 (HSV 253/255) will receive a superior or good rating in questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 of the Determination of Professionalism Grade (Final), completed by the site supervisor. Results for Winter 2009 indicate that 75% of the students enrolled in HSV 240 and HSV 250 (HSV 252/255) received superior or good rating. Will continue to gather this data. 2c. 75% of the employer respondents will rate graduates very proficient or proficient in demonstrating professional attitudes, behavior and ethics. (Employer Survey, specific questions) .No results gathered to date. Will add to College Graduate Survey Will continue to use this tool. 2d. 75% of the graduates will receive the Social Work Credential through the State of Ohio Counselor and Social Worker Board, Marriage and Family Therapist Board within one No results gathered to date. Will add to College Graduate Survey Program Specific Survey will provide this information in the future. 3 North Central State College Program Outcome Statements Human Services Department 11/3/2009 Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose Departmental/Program Intended Outcomes/Objectives 3. Graduates will have effective written, verbal, and non-verbal communication skills. Assessment Criteria & Procedures Assessment Results Use of Results 85% of students did pass using the SpAC rubric in 2008-2009 Capstone Course and the (SpAC) rubric is in place. Will continue to gather data. 3b. 85% of the students will pass an evaluation of the research paper in the Directed Practice (Capstone Course) using the Written Across the Curriculum (WAC) rubric. 85% of the students did pass an evaluation of the research paper in the Directed Practice (Capstone Course) using the Written Across the Curriculum (WAC) rubric in 2008-2009 Capstone Course and the (WAC) rubric is in place. Will continue to gather data. 3c. 75% of the employer respondents will indicate that the graduate is very proficient or proficient in using written communication skills. (Employer Survey, specific questions) No results gathered to date. Will add to College Graduate Survey Data will be used to evaluate the program. 3d. 75% of the employer respondents will indicate that the graduate is very proficient or proficient in using verbal communication skills. (Employer Survey, specific questions) No results gathered to date. Will add to College Graduate Survey Data will be used to evaluate the program. 3e. 75% of the employer respondents will indicate that the graduate is very proficient or proficient in appropriate use of nonverbal communication skills. (Employer Survey, specific questions) No results gathered to date. Will add to College Graduate Survey Program Specific Survey will provide this information in the future. year of graduation. 3a. 85% of the students will pass an evaluation of an oral presentation in the Directed Practice (Capstone Course) using the Speech Across the Curriculum (SpAC) rubric. . 4 North Central State College Program Outcome Statements Human Services Department 11/3/2009 Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose Departmental/Program Intended Outcomes/Objectives Assessment Criteria & Procedures 3f. 4. Provide quality workforce development opportunities. 5. Manage resources effectively and efficiently. Assessment Results Use of Results 75% of the graduate respondents will indicate that they are very proficient or proficient in using written communication skills. (Graduate Survey, specific questions) No results gathered to date. Will add to College Graduate Survey Updated Graduate Survey will provide specific information in the future. 3g. 75% of the graduate respondents will indicate that they are very proficient or proficient in using verbal communication skills. (Graduate Survey, specific questions) No results gathered to date. Will add to College Graduate Survey Updated Graduate Survey will provide specific information in the future. 3h. 75% of the graduate respondents will indicate that they are very proficient or proficient in appropriate use of non-verbal communication skills. (Graduate Survey, specific questions) No results for 2008-2009 were compiled as these specific questions were not on that survey. Updated Graduate Survey will provide specific information in the future.