2011 POA

Program Assessment Report
CJO Peace Officer Option Program
NC State students should attain competency in the college’s six core learning outcomes as well as the appropriate program level learning outcomes prior to
graduation. Each course at NC State contributes to a student’s successful performance in one or more of the core learning outcomes (as indicated in the
master syllabi) and/or program/department-level learning outcomes. The purpose of this form is to allow programs to document how their course(s),
instructional strategies/activities, and assessment methods contribute to core and program/department-level learning outcomes achievement and to
identifying and acting on areas in need of improvement.
 Program coordinators or program directors and their faculty select specific courses to report assessment results via the Course Assessment Report.
This is to inform the Program Assessment Report. Faculty should:
o Select courses where students are most likely to demonstrate a high level of attainment of the learning outcome, preferably near the end of
the curriculum to support an across-the-curriculum approach (reinforcement and retention of learning) -- REQUIRED.
o Select additional courses for pre and post assessment or to demonstrate progress in learning outcome attainment as students progress
through the curriculum (a value-added approach) – OPTIONAL.
 Core Learning Outcomes are assessed institution-wide on a 3-year rotating schedule resulting in two outcomes assessed per year.
o The 3-year rotating CLO assessment schedule is available at http://www.ncstatecollege.edu/committees/assessment/default.htm
o Programs are encouraged to assess CLOs and report results on a more frequent schedule as needed.
 Program coordinators or program directors send the completed Program Assessment Report to the Assessment Committee, due annually in October.
North Central State College Mission Statement:
To provide quality, responsive, lifelong learning opportunities, including occupational, degree and other
educational programs for individuals, business and industry, and the communities we serve.
Program Mission Statement:
1. Criminal justice peace officer option majors of North Central State College are educated as a whole person in habits of critical thinking, leadership, lifelong learning. They are
provided the opportunity to acquire the practical skills required for competent performance and employment in the law enforcement field.
Core Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcome
Written Communication*
Assessment Procedures & Criteria
Assessment Results
Use of Results
Identify the assessment method(s) used to
measure and evaluate student success for this
outcome. (List all methods.) The minimum
acceptable score is 74%. (This may require
converting the score to a %.)
Report the achievement level = the number of
students earning the minimal acceptable score (74%)
or higher out of the total number of students who
completed the assignment AND the course (e.g.
25/50 = 50%). Report the achievement level for each
assessment method.
If the achievement level percentage falls below the
college-wide minimum standard (70%) for any
assessment results, identify change(s) planned to
improve student learning in this CLO.
All students enrolled in both
academies will receive an 80% or
higher on the SPO sheets in
CRJ217, CRJ224 and CRJ215 (WAC
One student failed, all other students
achieved an 80% or higher (15 total)
Maintain assessment because it shows
our students' writing abilities.
rubric used for each SPO sheet)
80% of students will receive a
satisfactory score rating on the oral
communication rubric/presentation in
CRJ276 (SAC rubric)
Information Literacy*
Data Method/Collection Planned
for 2011-12 for this reporting
Data Method/Collection Planned
for 2011-12 for this reporting
Data Method/Collection Planned
for 2011-12 for this reporting
Data Method/Collection Planned
for 2011-12 for this reporting
Critical Thinking*
Computation Proficiency**
Average class scores were over 80% (small
decrease in overall scores from last year)
Continue for next year so we can measure
our students' communication skills
*Rubrics are available on the Assessment of Student Learning Committee web site at http://www.ncstatecollege.edu/committees/assessment/default.htm. These rubrics may
be used as is or modified, or another rubric or assessment method may be substituted. **After semester conversion, programs should report assessment results from the
highest college math course in the curriculum (comprehensive final exam scores) as well assessment results that occur in non-math program courses where computation is
considered to be important to the technology/profession (e.g. drug calculations in a nursing curriculum).
Program-Level Learning Outcomes (add rows as needed)
Learning Outcome
Assessment Procedures & Criteria
Assessment Results
Use of Results
Enter outcomes below; add rows as
Identify the assessment method(s) used to
measure and evaluate student success for this
outcome. (List all methods.) State the
minimum acceptable score for each method.
Report the achievement level = the number of
students attaining the minimum acceptable score or
higher out of the total number of students who
completed the assignment AND the course (e.g.
25/50 = 50%). State the program’s minimum
achievement level percentage and report the
achievement level attained for each assessment
If the achievement level percentage falls below the
program’s minimum standard for any assessment
results, identify change(s) planned to improve
student learning in this learning outcome.
"By the end of the police
academy, students will be able
A. Demonstrate well-developed
analytical and problem solving
skills within the 9 core
curriculum areas as established
by the State of Ohio OPOTA
A1. The average score for each of the 9
tested core curriculum areas on the State
Examination will be 80% or greater. The
State of Ohio only requires a 70%.
Three were 14 graduates total. Two areas
were below 80% in Day Academy.TR
(75.33%)and HS (78.57%). Night
Academy: 0 Areas were below 80%
We fixed the LG and HR deficiencies from
last year. This is the first time since
gathering data that we were above an
80%in HR and LG. We corrected all areas
in Night academy scores. We changed our
study exams to correct last years data.
Because TR is now low in day academy,
more emphasis during Unit 10 teaching
will have to occur as well as the practice
exam focus on this topic for day academy.
A2. All Students will successfully pass
the state exam
All students passed the state exam in Each
Academy. 100% Pass rate achieved Day
Average class score: 83.14%, Night
Average class score 85.71%
Continue for next year
B. Demonstrate the proper
standards of criminal justice
professionalism, morals, and
B1.Each student in the academy will
receive an 85% or higher on the moral
and Prof/Ethics rubric and SPO sheets in
CRJ217 and CRJ287
Continue for next year
C. Demonstrate the ability to
communicate effectively in
writing and speech through
casework and lab assignments
C1. Each student enrolled the police
academy program will maintain over the
course of the academy, an 80% or higher
GPA in each academic course taken.
Not Accomplished: 1 student was
dismissed for failing to maintain 80% GPA
Maintain assessment to keep the quality of
the program. Slight increase in overall
C2. All students enrolled will receive an
80% or higher on the writing assignments
as well as the SPO sheets in CRJ217,
CRJ224 and CRJ215
Accomplished, very small overall score
Maintain assessment because it shows
our students' writing abilities.
C3. 80% of students will receive a
satisfactory score rating on the oral
communication rubric/presentation in
Achieved, small decrease in overall scores
Continue for next year so we can measure
our students' communication skills