North Central State College Program Outcome Statements for the Physical Therapist Assistant Department 2009 Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose Mission Statement: To provide quality, responsive, lifelong learning opportunities, including occupational, degree, and other educational programs for individuals, business and industry, and the communities we serve. Goal Statements: Physical Therapist Assistant Graduates are able to: 1. Completely perform interventions under the supervision of the Physical Therapist in an ethical, legal, safe and effective manner. 2. Accurately utilize data collection skills to assist the Physical Therapist. 3. Effectively communicate with the patient, patient=s family, caregivers and members of the health care team. 4. Correctly document patient interventions. Assessment Criteria & Procedures January - March Completion of graduate, employer and patient surveys Assessment Results Graduate & Employer Surveys 2008 Items NOT meeting the threshold: June Analysis of graduate, employer and patient surveys PTA 270 Capstone Course with mock PTA National Exam July - August Analysis of mock PTA National Exam November Analysis of PTA National Exam for Graduates Analysis of PTA Clinical Instructors Evaluation Survey Form Employer - effective oral communication with patients/families/public -effective non-verbal communication with patients/families/public -understand needs review of literature -understands need to continue to develop skills and knowledge Graduate 1. Maximize Student Access. 2. Guide students toward educational success. 3. Guarantee quality educational experience. . 5. Appropriately educate health care providers, the community and government as it relates to physical therapy. 6. Consistently support patients with regard for individual, cultural and economic differences. 7. Routinely display selfdirection for career development and the ongoing process of learning. 8. Recognize the importance of research as it relates to physical therapy. December - January College Community of Interest Review of Data and Recommendations for Course, Curriculum, PTA Mission and Goal Revisions per NC State College Mission and Goals February PTA Advisory Committee Review and Recommendations March Analysis and Recommendations provided to President Staff via Mark Collins for Recommendations and Approval Item Relevance/ Content Area -PTAs do not participate in quality improvement PTA 270 - Physical Therapy Seminar Final Exam Component Deficient Test passing rate Assessment section Treatment section Professionalism section 100%-no no no no FSBPT Licensure Examination Component Use of Results Course Revisions: 1. Continue increased review questions to lecture portion of each PTA class for student review and self-assessment. 2. Increase content on documentation related to reimbursement. 3. Increase pt. instruction in lab assessment 4. Encourage clinical instructors to provide students with opportunities to instruct pts, families, and coworkers. 4. Use re-configured rubric for PTA257 to enhance literature review and oral presentation aspects. 5. Provide computerized mock exam-PTA270. Curriculum Revisions: 1. Strict adherence to posted academic standard. 2. Increased advising of students to be assessed at student success center with adherence to accommodations recommendations. Mission and Goal Changes: 1. Program assessment policy rewritten with approval of Advisory committee. 2. Change thresholds for NCSC students so that thresholds for pass to align with national averages. Other Recommendations: 1. Provide computerized mock exam-PTA270. Actions: Deficient pta\assess.wpd\feb=03\kme April - June Implementation of Recommendations First time passing rate Test & Measure section Intervention section 80%-yes no no Standards of Care section no Retake passing rate yes