North Central State College Program Outcome Statements Associate Degree Nursing 2008 Guide Toward Educational Success Mission Statement: To provide quality, responsive, lifelong learning opportunities, including occupational, degree and other educational programs for individuals, business and industry, and the communities we serve. Goal Statements: 1. Maximize student access 2. Guide students toward educational success 3. Guarantee quality educational experience 4. Provide quality workforce development opportunities 5. Manage resources effectively and efficiently. Program Outcomes 1. Demonstrates critical thinking in the role of provider of health care and member of the discipline of nursing. 2. Integrates the nursing process (i.e. critical thinking skills) to meet basic human needs of individuals and of groups with common health issues in a variety of settings. Assessment Procedures & Criteria 1. & 2. Graduate Surveys 85%, or better, of graduates surveyed will agree that these criteria are met. Assessment Results Use of Results Graduate surveys for 2008 indicate at least a 96% agreement that all of the program outcomes have been met. The results are an important part of the 5 year review by the Ohio Board of Nursing, last conducted in 2005, and the 8 year review by the National League for Nursing Accreditation Council, last done in 2003. Both agencies have given NCSC full approval. . Employer Surveys 90%, or better, of employers agree that these criteria are met Licensure Exam 85%, or better of graduates will pass the licensure exam Employer surveys for 2008 indicate 100% agreement that all of the program outcomes are met The percentage pass rate on the licensure exams have been: 2003 - 95 % 2004 – 95% Faculty review the returned surveys quarterly and use the data to revise the curriculum, to assess how well the program and College objectives are being met and to implement needed revisions. Curriculum revisions are noted in the faculty meeting minutes. 2005 – 99% 2006 – 93% 2007 – 93% 2008 – 80% This demonstrates that graduates have achieved the NCLEX guideline of minimal competency as beginning practitioners as well as meeting the program outcomes. 3. Safely performs technical procedures using judgment based on knowledge of biopsychosocial principles. 4. Establishes therapeutic relationships with clients and families as an integral part of nursing care. Course Based Assessments 3. 100% of students completing the program must, satisfactorily demonstrate technical procedures in the college lab & clinical setting in all of the ADN courses. 4. 100% of students must demonstrate the establishment of therapeutic relationships, as assessed in the clinical evaluation form, in order to receive a passing grade in the clinical portion of the nursing classes. 3. 100% of the students have satisfactorily demonstrated technical procedures. 4. 100% of students have satisfactorily demonstrated the establishment of therapeutic relationships. 5. Uses effective written & oral communication skills in establishing effective therapeutic relationships with clients & families Course Based Assessment 5. 100% of students must 5. 100% of students utilize utilize effective written effective written and oral and oral communication communication skills skills, as assessed by verbal interaction with faculty and written assignments, in order to receive a satisfactory grade on quarterly didactic & clinical evaluations. Graduate Surveys 90% of graduates surveyed agreed that the criteria have been met Employer Survey 90% of employers surveyed agreed that the criter1a have been met 6. Facilitates cooperative, interpersonal relationships with coworkers as a member of the health care team. 6. 100% of students must satisfactorily demonstrate team leading and team member skills, which incorporates cooperative interpersonal skills and is assessed on the clinical evaluation form, in the clinical setting to achieve a passing grade. 100% of students in 2008 surveyed agree that the criteria have been met 100% of employers surveyed in 2008 agree that the criteria have been met. 6. 100% employers surveyed in 2008 agree that the criteria have been met ADN college assessment column report 08 10/22/09 7. Assumes responsibility for selfdirection in the ongoing process of learning. 7. 85% of students assume responsibility for selfdirection in the learning process as evidenced by continued satisfactory performance in the nursing program curriculum 7. 100% of employers surveyed in 2008 agree that the criteria have been met 8. Incorporates knowledge of ethical and legal responsibilities and individual limitations in nursing practice. 8. 100% of students have knowledge of legal and ethical responsibilities as evidenced by a satisfactory clinical evaluation and passing test grades in the didactic portion of the course 8. 100% of employers surveyed in 2008 agree that the criteria have been met.