North Central State College Program Outcome Statements for the English Department Revised, October 2007 Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose Departmental/Program Intended Outcomes/Objectives Assessment Criteria & Procedures Mission Statement: To provide quality, responsive, lifelong learning opportunities, including occupational, degree, and other educational programs for individuals, business and industry, and the communities we serve. 1. Graduates of all NCSC Associate Degree programs will be able to write a grammatically correct, stylistically appropriate, and structurally sound essay. 1. Entrance and Exit Essays; samples taken from each, scored, and compared. (Grammar test) 1. First Day Letter average: 45.7 (N=67); Exit Essay grammar average: 50.8 (N=61) 2. Students will show marked improvement in grammar skills. 2. In each 200 level English course, 80% of class will achieve a C or above on research paper. 3. Students will write a successful research paper using primary and secondary resources. 3. Rubric for Research Essay; scores collected from 200level course instructors. 2. Among a sample (N= 74) 200-level students, 62 scored a C or better on Research Essay (83.8%) 12 scored below a C. Percentages were fairly consistent across 201 and 202 sections. Goal Statements: 1. Maximize Student Access. 2. Guide students toward educational success. Assessment Results 3. In survey of 200 level grades, 83.6% (see above) of students attained a C or better on Research Essay. Use of Results 1. Continue First Day Letter and Exit Essay evaluation based on grammar portions of ENG 101 rubric. The department has reconsidered the validity of the First Day Letter (FDL); it’s not an essay, and it isn’t as long (600 words) as the Exit Essay. However, the letter format encourages students to express feelings and questions which several instructors find useful at the beginning of ENG 101. Therefore, the FDL will be kept, but the word count will be increased to 600. 2. Continue to collect Research Essay grades from 200-level instructors. 3. 3. Continue to collect Research Essay grades from 200-level instructors. 3. Guarantee quality educational experience. 4. Provide quality workforce development opportunities. 5. Manage resources effectively and efficiently.