Wireless Grid Innovation Testbed Syracuse University Virginia Tech School of Information Studies School of Engineering PI: Lee W McKnight Co PIs: Tamal Bose, Bruce Kingma, Craig Watters, Peter Wong NSF Award # 0917973 & #0227879 WiGiT research and experiments serve industry needs for intra-system, or crossover work on grid or cloud computing on one platform and wireless Internet on another, contributing to open standards and application programming interfaces. Start Date: 01 July 2009 Edgeware Brief Project Overview: The Wireless Grid Innovation Testbed (WiGiT) refines transformative technologies for edgeware or personal cyberinfrastructure to bridge wireless network middleware and grid application layers and accelerate adoption of new products and services. 2 Year Award WG API Content Services Software Devices Grid (Specs) Cognitive Radios API SDR 3G LTE (4G) WiMAX (4G) Wi-Fi Key Attributes of our Innovation Ecosystem: Questioning & Curiosity: For more information see http://wglab.syr.edu The Wireless Grid Innovation Testbed (WiGiT) collaborative learning by university and high school students. Program Activities: Risk Taking: WiGiT webconference/meetings of faculty, students, firms, & governmental organizations on a bimonthly basis. The WiGiT testbed collaborative learning activities extend from New York to Virginia to Portugal. Syracuse University & Virginia Tech lead the partnership’s inclusive Virtual Organization. Top Contributions: 1. WiGiT will spur growth of new companies and transformative wireless grid applications. 2. ‘Edgeware’ for wireless grid applications and cognitive radios are unique as is WiGiT’s scalable Virtual Organization. 3. WiGiT personal cyberinfrastructure is for people-to-people, people-to-resources, and people-to-facilities interactions. Openness: WiGiT requires open innovation and is open to new partners; WiGiT specifications are open; open source software is testbed base. 4. WiGiT Open Specifications will link open applications programming interfaces for cognitive radios to wireless grids edgeware. 5. Use cases for collaborative learning, gaming, defense, emergency response, neighborhood notification and urban farms/greenhouses. Collaboration Across Fields: WiGiT includes engineering, information, management, architecture, physics & environmental science students and faculty. Top Challenges: 1. Implementation of the technical concept on a distributed testbed. 2. Acceptance of WiGiT open specifications. Partners: WiGiT encourages trusting experimental resources of others; such as Virginia Tech’s CORNET Cognitive Radio Network Testbed. Placing Partners in “New Environments” & “Playgrounds”: WiGiT is a new virtual environment for playing with ideas, experiments and applications including games across campuses and companies. Leading/Inspiring or Surprising or Unexpected Results The flux of companies, universities and government agencies collaborating in our Virtual Organization is even greater than we imagined. . National Science Foundation Partnerships For Innovation PFI Grantee’s Meeting . April 25-27, 2010 . Arlington, VA