Westside High School Lesson Plan Wed/Thur Tuesday Monday Teacher Name: Course: Elhajj Math Models of Applications Unit Name and #: Dates: Quadratic Functions March 30 – April 3 What are we learning? Daily Objective: TEKS/AP/Standards: How will we learn it? Learning Activities: STAAR Testing in the morning, Afternoon: Periods 1st & 3rd How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Checks for Understanding: What do I need to be successful? Materials: What do I need to do before next class? Follow Up/HW: What are we learning? Daily Objective: SWBAT solve quadratic equations by completing the square. TEKS/AP/Standards: 10A, 6A, 8A, 8D. How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1. Warm Up – Solve a quadratic equations with square roots. 2. Notes 10.5 - Solve a quadratic equation by completing the square. Give students step by step list to assist the process of completing the square. Show examples on p. 664 # 2 and 3. 3. Guided Practice p. 664 # 4 – 6. 4. Classwork p. 666 # 12 – 17. 5. Exit Ticket How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: exit ticket Checks for Understanding: Teacher will circulate and check for answers. What do I need to be successful? Materials: spiral notes, pencil, paper, calculator, textbook section 10.5. What do I need to do before next class? Follow Up/HW: finish classwork p. 666 # 12 – 17. What are we learning? Daily Objective: SWBAT solve a quadratic equation by completing the square. TEKS/AP/Standards: 10A, 6A, 8A, 8D. How will we learn it? Learning Activities: Wednesday Morning STAAR testing, afternoon periods 5 and 7. 1. Warm Up – Solve a quadratic equations by completing the square. 2. More examples on completing the square. 4. Classwork - Handout Completing the square. 6. Exit ticket – Solve a quadratic equation by completing the square. Friday How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Exit Ticket Checks for Understanding: working with a partner on solving quadratic equations by completing the square. What do I need to be successful? Materials: spiral notes, textbook section 10.5, paper, pencil, exit ticket, calculator. What do I need to do before next class? Follow Up/HW: Finish Complete the square handout. What are we learning? Daily Objective: TEKS/AP/Standards: How will we learn it? Learning Activities: Holiday How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Checks for Understanding: What do I need to be successful? Materials: What do I need to do before next class? Follow Up/HW: