Monday – 11/03/2014 Objective:

Monday – 11/03/2014
 Students will be able to identify the parts of an expression.
 Students will be able to use the distributive property and combine like
terms to simplify expressions.
Students will be able to solve two-step equations.
Do Now:
1. 9𝑥 − 7 = −7
2. 2(𝑛 + 5) = −2
3. 3 = 8
4. 7(9 + 𝑘) = 84
5. 9 − 1 = −2
Two-Step Equations
 Solving Two-Step Equations PPT
 Decode a Mystery Number
Materials: Projector, laptops, pencils, paper, worksheets, calculator
Follow Up/HW: Two-step equation worksheet
Tuesday – 11/04/2014
Objective: To practice solving multi-step equations with variables on both
Do Now:
1. 5𝑝 − 14 = 8𝑝 + 4
2. 𝑝 − 1 = 5𝑝 + 3𝑝 − 8
3. −20 = −4𝑥 − 6𝑥
4. −3(4𝑥 + 3) + 4(6𝑥 + 1) = 43
5. −18 − 6𝑘 = 6(1 + 3𝑘)
Multi-Step Equations
 Multi-step equations PPT
 Multi-Step equations Scavenger Hunt
Materials: Projector, laptops, pencils, paper
Wednesday/Thursday – 11/4-5/2014
Objective: To assess student understanding of one-step equations, two
step-equations, the Distributive Property, and Combining Like Terms
Do Now: 5-minute brain dump
 Test
o One-step equations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
o Distributive Property
o Combining Like Terms
 Make-up Work
Materials: Calculators, pencils, test
Follow Up/Homework:
Friday – 11/6/2014
Objective: To practice solving multi-step equations with variables on both
Do Now: Solving Multi-Step Equations
 Multi-Step Equation Task-Cards w/QR Codes
Materials: Projector, laptop, worksheet, pencil, paper, cell phone, QR
Follow Up/HW:
Week of: November 3 – November 6 Teacher: Garrett Team: Special
Education – Algebra IIA MOD