Nov 24 - Nov 28

Monday – 11/24/2014
 Students will be able to solve multi-step equations
Do Now:
1) −76 = 9𝑥 + 𝑥 − 6
2) 3 = 15
3) −50 = 2𝑥 + 7𝑥 − 5
4) 5𝑥 − 7 = 3𝑥 − 1
5) 16 = 4(2𝑎 − 1)
Multi-Step Equations
 Multi-step equations PPT
 Multi-Step equations Scavenger Hunt
Materials: Projector, laptops, pencils, paper, worksheets, calculator,
student solutions worksheet
Follow Up/HW: Multi-Step Equations: Decode a Mystery Number
Tuesday – 11/25/2014
 Students will be able to solve multi-step equations
Do Now
1) 4(𝑡 − 2) − (𝑡 + 3) = 𝑡 − 1
2) 9 + 3(𝑚 − 4) = 5𝑚 + 1
3) 6 + 3(𝑚 − 4) = 5𝑚 − 3
Multi-Step Equations Bingo
Materials: Projector, lap top, Calculators, pencils, bingo cards, bingo chips
Follow Up/HW:
Wednesday/Thursday – 11/26-27/2014
Thanksgiving Holiday
Friday – 11/28/2014
Black Friday
Week of: November 24 – November 28
Special Education – Geometry A MOD
Teacher: Garrett Team: