Objective Objective: Reteaching: between two points given map locations.

Objective: Students will be able to use the distance formula to calculate the distance
between two points given map locations.
Objective: Use the distance formula to calculate the distance between two points given
their coordinates.
Objective: Describe the distance formula in terms of perpendicular components.
Objective: Create distance-related problems with real-world applications.
Reteaching: Students will finish working through the Pythagorean Theorem problems as a
basis for relating the Pythagorean Theorem to Distance and Midpoint. I will then review the
answers with the students.
Upcoming Major Assessments: Pythagorean Theorem, Distance and Midpoint Test
October 8 and 9, 2014.
Materials: Projector, Laptop, pencils, paper, worksheets, calculator
Follow Up/HW: Pythagorean Theorem Quiz
Objective: Students will be able to use the distance formula to calculate the distance
between two points given map locations.
Objective: Use the distance formula to calculate the distance between two points given
their coordinates.
Objective: Describe the distance formula in terms of perpendicular components.
Objective: Create distance-related problems with real-world applications.
Introduce New Learning:
Students will be introduced to the Distance and Midpoint formulas, to prepare them for
moving into the Slope formula. Presentation of the Distance and Midpoint Formulas through
PPT presentation and practice exercises. Students will put together a Foldable of the
Distance and Midpoint Formula.
Upcoming Major Assessments: Pythagorean Theorem, Distance and Midpoint Test
October 8 and 9, 2014.
Materials: Pen/pencil, calculator, worksheets
Follow Up/HW: Going the Distance practice Word Problems.
Objective: Students will be able to use the distance formula to calculate the distance
between two points given map locations.
Objective: Use the distance formula to calculate the distance between two points given
their coordinates.
Objective: Describe the distance formula in terms of perpendicular components.
Objective: Create distance-related problems with real-world applications.
Learning Plan: After introducing the formulas, I will give students a map of the US and will
have the students plan a trip across the USA covering at least 10 states, and then making
“pit stops” along the way of places they would want to visit (ie: the Grand Canyon, Las
Vegas). The students have to find the distance of the total trip, as well as the distance
between each “pit stop.” Finally, the students have to find the midpoint between each “pit
stop” because they MUST stop for gas, and stretch their legs. This activity helps the
students practice their midpoint formula and distance formula.
Materials: Pencil/calculator, map of the United States, Worksheet
Follow Up/HW: Finish Trip Across the United States
Fall Holiday
Week of: September 29-October 3
Education – Geometry MOD
Teacher: Garrett
Team: Special