
Reading Elective Grade 9
1st Cycle
Exemplar Unit User Information
Unit 1: Narrative Text
In this unit, students will explore narrative texts. During this unit, students will focus on learning and applying the
reading process and building metacognitive reading comprehension skills. Students will enhance their abilities to
make connections, visualize a text, summarize events and information, and make predictions and inferences.
Unit Overview
This unit focuses on narrative texts. Students use a range of reading skills in assigned and independent reading to
understand an author’s message. They will also explore the essential elements of a narrative text and the inherent
plot structure.
Exemplar lessons include approximately thirty minutes of systematic, explicit instruction followed by guided and
independent practice activities. In order to promote adequate decoding and language comprehension, instruction
includes word recognition strategies, systematic word study, and effective comprehension strategies.
Exemplar lessons have set aside approximately 15 minutes for independent reading. Texts for independent reading
are chosen by the student with guidance from the teacher. Independent reading aims to motivate students, provide
necessary practice, promote self-monitoring, and expand word and world knowledge.
The teacher and the student set goals for improved reading competency, e.g. use prediction or rereading. The
student keeps a reading log or a reading journal. The teacher monitors student’s comprehension through a review
of the reading log or journal. Ideas for responses in logs or journals are available at:
The teacher and the student will conference periodically. During the reading conference, the student reports on
learning, asks questions, and reports problems; the teacher clarifies student’s understandings and supplies
necessary instruction or redirection.
When the student completes a text chosen for independent reading, learning is assessed, e.g., student may
present an oral or written summary of the content and/or report on problems that were encountered during reading
and how they solved the problem. The student may engage in periodic text discussions, e.g., literature circles with
A variety of texts that are at an appropriate level are necessary for student selection. Quantitative and qualitative
measures should be taken into consideration.
It is recommended that during this unit, text selections are narrative in nature. If this is not feasible due to
classroom library, student interest, etc. it is recommend that students continually evaluate, and articulate, the
different elements of their chosen text to one of narrative form.
© Houston ISD Curriculum
2014 – 2015
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Reading Elective Grade 9
1st Cycle
List of Exemplar Lessons
List of Exemplar Lessons
 Lesson 1: Introduction to Reading Elective
4, 45-minute Class Period(s)
 Lesson 2: Greed
4, 45-minute Class Period(s)
 Lesson 3: Word Study
Plot Structure
4, 45-minute Class Period(s)
 Lesson 4: The Farmer and His Sons
Word Study
2, 45-minute Class Period(s)
 Lesson 5: The Necklace
Word Study
5, 45-minute Class Period(s)
 Lesson 6: The Necklace
Word Study
5, 45-minute Class Period(s)
 Lesson 7: Basic Reading Skills Assessment
1, 45-minute Class Period(s)
© Houston ISD Curriculum
2014 – 2015
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