Westside High School Lesson Plan Teacher Name: Koneschik Unit Name and #: Course: English 1 Prep Dates: Drama & Poetry: 4th Cycle January 6th- January 9th Tuesday 1/6 What are we learning? Daily Objective: I will be able to connect thematic elements of drama to my own personal experiences and the literature of our modern culture. TEKS/AP/Standards: ELA.9.2B Analyze the influence of mythic, classical, and traditional literature on 20th and 21st century literature. How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1. Welcome Back Letter (procedures, reminders, important dates, etc.) 2. Romeo and Juliet Pre-Reading Activity as an introduction to the play 3. Class discussion about the themes we will be encountering in Romeo and Juliet 4. Introduction to Shakespeare and Elizabethan English PowerPoint with GUIDED NOTES How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Students have their own piece of paper with their answers on it. In groups, they start a dialogue with each other depending on what corner they’re in. Checks for Understanding: I ask for volunteers to share their opinions and comments; I cold call others if no volunteers arise. “Guided” style note-taking What do I need to be successful? Materials: Pen, English binder, handouts provided by me Weds. 1/7 and Thurs. 1/8 What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: n/a What are we learning? Daily Objective: I will be able to identify and understand the purpose of dramatic elements in a play. TEKS/AP/Standards: ELA.9.4A Explain how dramatic conventions enhance drama. How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1. Pre-Reading KWL chart about Romeo and Juliet 2. Introduction to Shakespeare and Elizabethan English PowerPoint with GUIDED NOTES 3. Prologue Recitation/Paraphrasing Mini-Lesson 4. Listen to Act 1, Scene 1 How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: “Guided” style note-taking Choral Reading of the Prologue Checks for Understanding: Cold Calls to check for understanding, especially about some of the new drama terms. What do I need to be successful? Materials: Literature Book, handouts provided by me What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: n/a Friday 1/9 What are we learning? Daily Objective: I will be able to analyze specific passages of a dramatic work in order to effectively create meaning, synthesize, and support my assertions. TEKS/AP/Standards: ELA. 9.Fig 19B Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1. Finish Act 1, Scene 1 if necessary 2. STAAR Applied Practice: Reading Selection #1 (Prep Version) 3. Continue reading and listening to the play. How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Reading Selection 1 from the Applied Practice book is a STAAR style multiple choice assessment. Checks for Understanding: I will do several practice questions from Reading Selection #1 with the class, and I will be walking around and answering questions. What do I need to be successful? Materials: Reading Selection #1, notes, handouts provided by me What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: Finish Reading Selection #1 if necessary (minor grade)