English II Prep - Lesson Plans Monday - Week of 10/27-10/31 Tuesday Wed/Thur Friday Daily Objective: The student will analyze and critique scored STAAR persuasive essays to make inferences and draw conclusions. Daily Objective: The Daily Objective: The student will become students will analyze familiar with rhetorical rhetorical appeals in appeals to apply to their Literature (Julius persuasive essays. Caesar). Daily Objective: The student will use the knowledge of rhetoric to take a quiz and will take background information notes on Shakespeare How Assessed: rhetoric quiz How Assessed: Rhetoric quiz, Julius Caesar test How Assessed: Rhetoric quiz, Julius Caesar test How Assessed: Rhetoric quiz, Julius Caesar test Materials Needed: Passages from Julius Caesar, Power point on Julius Caesar, and Journal Materials Needed: Rhetorical appeals quiz, Shakespeare power point , Shakespeare power point notes Materials Needed: STAAR Materials Needed: analysis worksheet, Rhetoric appeals note pervious STARR persuasive sheet essays, persuasive essay prompt, and persuasive essay rubric Daily Activities: Daily Activities: Daily Activities: 1. Do first- Explain the how 1. Do First – How have 1. Do First – Write the STARR is scored and others persuaded about how you the STARR persuasive you to try might persuade rubric something? Why do somebody to do 2. Read over essays as a you think they were something. Think class. able to? about rhetorical 3. Critique and score essays 1. Go over and discuss appeals. using the analysis sheet rhetorical appeals 2. Review rhetorical and STAAR rubric. powerpoint appeals 4. Discuss scores as a class. 2. Complete note sheet 3. Introduce Julius over rhetorical Caesar and the appeals elements of tragedy 3. 4. Connect to rhetorical appeals Daily Activities: 1. Do First- Study for quiz 2. Take rhetoric quiz 3. Introduce Shakespeare and historical information to understand the complexity of Julius Caesar Homework: Study for rhetoric quiz Homework: Study for Homework: Study for Homework: Make good rhetoric quiz rhetoric quiz choices.