Westside High School Lesson Plan Teacher Name: Course: Grimes English III Unit Name and #: Dates: Unit 4 Drama 1/6/15- 1/9/15 Monday What are we learning? Daily Objective: The student will analyze textual context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to draw conclusions about the nuance (subtleties) in word meanings, as well as, relate (compare/contrast) the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting. TEKS/AP/Standards: Vocabulary-ELA.11.1B/ELA.11.1D Reading-ELA.11.Fig19A/ELA.11.Fig19B/ELA.11.2C/ELA.11.8A/ELA.11.11A WritingELA.11.16A/ELA.11.16B/ELA.11.16C/ELA.11.16D/ELA.11.16E/ELA.11.16F/ELA.11.17B/ELA.11. 18A Listening and Speaking - ELA.11.24A/ELA.11.24B How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1. Students will analyze SAT vocabulary in the word’s textual context 2. Students will relate to the main ideas found in the literary work “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Students will be working by themselves in order to accumulate notes covering the themes, background and main ideas of “The Crucible.” Checks for Understanding: Students will be checked in order to make sure What do I need to be successful? Materials: Pen/Pencil, English Literature Book, and Vocabulary Folder What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: Tuesday What are we learning? Daily Objective: The student will analyze textual context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to draw conclusions about the nuance (subtleties) in word meanings, as well as, relate (compare/contrast) the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting. TEKS/AP/Standards: Vocabulary-ELA.11.1B/ELA.11.1D Reading-ELA.11.Fig19A/ELA.11.Fig19B/ELA.11.2C/ELA.11.8A/ELA.11.11A WritingELA.11.16A/ELA.11.16B/ELA.11.16C/ELA.11.16D/ELA.11.16E/ELA.11.16F/ELA.11.17B/ELA.11. 18A Listening and Speaking - ELA.11.24A/ELA.11.24B How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1. Students will analyze SAT vocabulary in the word’s textual context 2. Students will relate to the main ideas found in the literary work “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Students will be working by themselves in order to accumulate notes covering the themes, background and main ideas of “The Crucible.” Checks for Understanding: Students will be checked in order to make sure What do I need to be successful? Materials: Pen/Pencil, English Literature Book, and Vocabulary Folder. Wednesday/Thursday What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: What are we learning? Daily Objective: Students will relate (compare/contrast) the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting. TEKS/AP/Standards: ELA.11.1B/ELA.11.1D/ELA.11.Fig19B/ELA.11.2A/ELA.11.4A/ELA.11.14C/ELA.11.15C.i/ELA.11.1 5C.ii/ELA.11.15C.iii/ELA.11.15C.iv/ELA.11.15C.v How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1. Students will relate to and analyze the History Channel’s “Witch Hunt,” a documentary that puts the historical context of “The Crucible” on display and dives into a number of themes covered in the play. How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Students will be assessed on their engagement in the documentary by focusing on an individual based assignment, on which they must answer a variety of thematic questions. Checks for Understanding: Each student will turn in their assignment at the end of class in the format of an exit ticket. What do I need to be successful? Materials: Pen/Pencil, English Literature book, and Vocabulary Folder What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: Complete Analysis of Novel. Friday What are we learning? Daily Objective: Students will relate (compare/contrast) the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, as well as, write an argumentative response (e.g., evaluative essays, proposals) to the appropriate audience that includes accurate and honest representation of divergent views (i.e., in the author’s own words and not out of context). TEKS/AP/Standards: Vocabulary-ELA.11.1B/ELA.11.1D Reading-ELA.11.Fig19A/ELA.11.Fig19B/ELA.11.2C/ELA.11.8A/ELA.11.11A WritingELA.11.16A/ELA.11.16B/ELA.11.16C/ELA.11.16D/ELA.11.16E/ELA.11.16F/ELA.11.17B/ELA.11. 18A Listening and Speaking - ELA.11.24A/ELA.11.24B How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1. Students will write an argumentative response concerning Puritan ethic which is found in their literary source, “The Crucible.” How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Students will complete writing on their own and then will discuss their ideas and opinions with a fellow classmate. Checks for Understanding: Post writing class discussions and shoulder partner analysis What do I need to be successful? Materials: Pen/Pencil, English Literature Book, and Vocabulary Folder What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: