Westside High School Lesson Plan Teacher Name: Coach Grimes Unit Name: Unit 5 Historical Fiction and Unit 6 – Literary Research Course: English III Dates: 2/23 – 2/27 What are we learning? Daily Objective: SWBAT analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition. SWBAT relate the main ideas found in a literary work to its historical and cultural setting. SWBAT analyze the internal and external development of characters through a range of literary devices. TEKS/AP/Standards: Vocabulary-ELA.11.1B/ELA.11.1D ReadingELA.11.2A/ELA.11.2C/ELA.11.5B/ELA.11.8A/ELA.11.9D/ELA.11.12A/ELA. 11.12B WritingELA.11.16A/ELA.11.16B/ELA.11.16C/ELA.11.16D/ELA.11.16E/ELA.11.16 F/ELA.11.17B/ELA.11.18A Listening and Speaking - ELA.11.24A/ELA.11.24B How will we learn it? Agenda: Learning Activities 1. Practice using SAT vocabulary in context This week’s words: Precocious, Rancorous, Superfluous, Transient, Wary 2. Read and discuss “Why Soldier’s Don’t Talk”, pp.1172 – 1174 3. View Vietnam war stories 4. Exit Ticket How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Discussion Checks for Understanding: Teacher will facilitate pacing of reading and ask clarifying questions as reading progresses. What do I need to be successful? Materials: Pen/Pencil, English Literature Book, Vocabulary Folder or file, Laptop What do I need to do before next class? Homework: Follow Up/HW – View Vietnam Stories and complete writing activity if not done in class What are we learning? Daily Objective: SWBAT analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition. SWBAT relate the main ideas found in a literary work to its historical and cultural setting. SWBAT analyze the internal and external development of characters through a range of literary devices. TEKS/AP/Standards: Vocabulary-ELA.11.1B/ELA.11.1D Reading-ELA.11.Fig19A/ELA.11.Fig19B/ELA.11.2C/ELA.11.8A/ELA.11.11A WritingELA.11.16A/ELA.11.16B/ELA.11.16C/ELA.11.16D/ELA.11.16E/ELA.11.16 F/ELA.11.17B/ELA.11.18A Listening and Speaking - ELA.11.24A/ELA.11.24B How will we learn it? Agenda: Learning Activities - 1. Warm up 2. Read “Ambush”, pp. 1196 – 1199 3. Answer question 8, 9, and complete poem per instructions on p. 1201 How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Analysis questions Checks for Understanding: Discussion What do I need to be successful? Materials: Pen/Pencil, English Literature Book, Laptop, vocabulary notebook or file on laptop What do I need to do before next class? Homework: Complete poem if not done in class (due Friday) What are we learning? Daily Objective: SWBAT develop a plan for answering open-ended research questions and formulate a plan for engaging in in-depth research on a complex, multi-faceted topic. SWBAT summarize text in a manner that captures the author’s viewpoint, its main ideas, and its elements without taking a position or expressing an opinion. TEKS/AP/Standards: ELA.11.9A/ELA.11.9C/ELA.11.9D/ELA.11.20/ELA.11.20A/ELA.11.20B How will we learn it? Agenda: Learning Activities 1. Warm up –Review vocabulary 2. Review requirements for literary research paper 3. Choose and read selection of choice 4. Take notes to prepare for Friday’s character sketch assignment How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Notes on short story Checks for Understanding: Clarifying questions as teacher walks around to monitor What do I need to be successful? Materials: Laptop, pen/paper, literature book What do I need to before next class? Homework: Follow Up/HW – Vocabulary test 2/27 What are we learning? Daily Objective: SWBAT analyze the internal and external development of characters through a range of literary devices. TEKS/AP/Standards: Vocabulary-ELA.11.1B/ELA.11.1D Reading-ELA.11.Fig19A/ELA.11.Fig19B/ELA.11.2C/ELA.11.8A/ELA.11.11A WritingELA.11.16A/ELA.11.16B/ELA.11.16C/ELA.11.16D/ELA.11.16E/ELA.11.16 F/ELA.11.17B/ELA.11.18A Listening and Speaking - ELA.11.24A/ELA.11.24B How will we learn it? Agenda: Learning Activities 1. Warm up – prepare for vocabulary quiz and turn in poem 2. Take vocabulary quiz 3. Work on and complete character sketch How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Completed character sketch Checks for Understanding: Teacher will ask pointed questions at the beginning of class to ensure that students understand the day’s task. What do I need to be successful? Materials: Pen/Pencil, Laptop, literature book What do I need to before next class? Homework: Follow Up/HW – Work on research