Friday Oct. 24 Wed/Thur Oct. 22-23 Tuesday Oct. 21 Monday Oct. 20 Math Models with Applications Linear Functions: Rate of Change and graphing with applications Stage 3 – Learning Plan October 20 - 24 Objective: SWBAT find the rate of change and slope of a linear equation. Activities: Notes 4.4: Graphing organizer of slopes. Demonstrate how to find the slope or rate of change from a graph, table, and formula. Guided Practice: Students Practice finding slope. P. 235 - 237 Assessment: Exit Ticket Materials: Handout/ spiral notes/textbook. Follow Up/HW: finish handout (graphing lines) Objective: SWBAT find the rate of change or slope of a linear equation with application. Activities: Warm Up: find the rate of change of a line. Independent Practice p. 239 # 3 – 18. Notes: Demonstrate how to find the rate of change from a real world application. Show how describe the meaning of a rate of change from a word problem. Guided Practice: students practice problems p. 240 # 19 – 23, 36, 38. Assessment: Exit Ticket Materials: Spiral Notes/textbook. Follow Up/HW: Finish practice problems. Objective: SWBAT graph linear equations using the slope-intercept form. Warm up – finding slope. Activities: Notes: Graph using slope-intercept form. Go over the slope-intercept form and how to graph using the y-intercept and the slope. Guided Practice: Students practice problems. p. 243 Investigating Algebra Activity Independent Practice: Handout graphing using slope-intercept form. Assessment: Exit Ticket Materials: Spiral notes, graph paper, textbook Follow Up/HW: finish handout graphing using slope-intercept form. Objective: SWBAT use slope-intercept form to graph using applications. Activities: Warm Up: Graph using slope intercept form. Notes: p. 245 do example 3 escalators example 4 television, example 5 parallel lines. Guided Practice p. 248 # 40, 42, 43. Exit Ticket – Application problem using slope-intercept form. Materials: spiral notes/textbook. Follow Up/HW: none