Daily Lesson Plan 3

Unit 3: Ratios & Proportions
Friday: Oct. 3
Wed/Thur : Oct. 1 - 2
Tuesday: Sept 30
Monday: Sept. 29
Stage 3 – Learning Plan: Unit 3: September 29 – Oct. 3
Objective: SWBAT simplify and solve ratios and proportions with real world applications.
Activities: Students will work on study guide in groups. Whole class discussion on setting up
proportions from word problems.
Teacher circulates as needed.
Materials: study guide unit 3
Follow Up/HW: Study for Test Unit 3
Objective: SWBAT show mastery over simplifying ratios and solving proportions with real
world applications.
Activities: Students will test over simplifying ratios and solving proportions including
proportions with real world applications.
Assessment: Test Unit 3
Materials: test, calculator
Follow Up/HW: none
Objective: SWBAT build mental math numeracy and problem solving skills.
Activities: Warm Up: Integers (add, subtract, multiply, and divide)
Skill Building Day: Focus on Integers and Problem Solving (Word Problems)
Activities: With no calculator develop rules and number sense with adding, subtracting,
multiplying and dividing integers. Use strategies such as number line, counters, tic tac toe
board. Games include 1 minute race and phone app games.
Problem solving skills - Review the 5 step process of solving word problems.
Practice solving word problems.
Independent Practice: Students will practice adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
integers. Students will practice word problems using the problem solving process.
Assessment: exit ticket
Materials: notes spiral, textbook
Follow Up/HW:
Objective: NO School
Follow Up/HW: