Teacher Name:
AP Lang & Comp
Unit Name and #: Unit 4
The Great Gatsby/
Dates: Week 4
Daily Objective: I can craft an AP-style argumentative essay within the given time constraints.
TEKS/AP/Standards: Students will develop and support an argument based off a short prompt or idea.
Learning Activities:
Review argumentative requirements
Students will write an argumentative essay based on an excerpt from Ralph Waldo
Emerson (40 min)
Extra time may be used to read The Great Gatsby or assigned Walden chapter
(assigned Friday 1/23)
Assessment Methods: Completed essay
Checks for Understanding: Completed essay
Materials: paper, pen, essay prompt
Follow Up/Homework:
1/27: Rhetorical questions over ch. 4-6 of The Great Gatsby due
1/27: Gatsby rhetorical triangle due by 11pm (via email)
1/30: Walden chapter report due
2/2: Timed rhetorical analysis essay (part of major)
2/3: Rhetorical questions over ch.7-9 of The Great Gatsby due
2/6: Remaining ½ of AP-style multiple choice over The Great Gatsby (1/2 major)
Daily Objective: I can closely read a complex text for a variety of rhetorical purposes.
TEKS/AP/Standards: Students will analyze complex rhetoric for a variety of purposes.
Learning Activities:
Multiple Choice DO NOW
DYRT Quiz over Ch. 4-6 of The Great Gatsby
Students will complete a rhetorical triangle (using their laptops) over an important scene of their choice.
Assessment Methods: Quiz
Checks for Understanding: Rhetorical questions over ch. 4-6; DYRT quiz; rhetorical triangle
Materials: quiz; laptop
Follow Up/Homework:
1/30: Walden chapter report due
1/27: Gatsby rhetorical triangle due by 11pm (via email)
2/2: Timed rhetorical analysis essay (part of major)
2/3: Rhetorical questions over ch.7-9 of The Great Gatsby due
2/6: Remaining ½ of AP-style multiple choice over The Great Gatsby (1/2 major)
Daily Objective: I can compare/contrast complex texts in order to gain a deeper understanding.
TEKS/AP/Standards: Students will analyze complex rhetoric for a variety of purposes.
Learning Activities:
Multiple Choice DO NOW
SAT sentence correct practice
Prepare for Compare/Contrast Gatsby & Walden Venn Diagram
Assessment Methods: classwork
Checks for Understanding: Venn Diagram preparations
Materials: presentation materials, student copies of chart
Follow Up/Homework:
1/30: Walden chapter report due
2/2: Timed rhetorical analysis essay (part of major)
2/3: Rhetorical questions over ch.7-9 of The Great Gatsby due
2/6: Remaining ½ of AP-style multiple choice over The Great Gatsby (1/2 major)
Daily Objective: I can compare/contrast complex texts in order to gain a deeper understanding.
TEKS/AP/Standards: Students will analyze complex rhetoric for a variety of purposes.
Learning Activities:
Multiple Choice DO NOW
Using their prepared materials from Wed/Thurs, students will complete Gatsby &
Walden compare/contrast Venn Diagram in small groups
Assessment Methods: Venn Diagram
Checks for Understanding: content of compare/contrast Venn Diagram
Materials: butcher paper, colored pencils/markers, copies of The Great Gatsby &
Follow Up/Homework:
2/2: Timed rhetorical analysis essay (part of major)
2/3: Rhetorical questions over ch.7-9 of The Great Gatsby due
2/6: Remaining ½ of AP-style multiple choice over The Great Gatsby (1/2 major)