GT English II Feb 2-6

Westside High School Lesson Plan
Teacher Name:
GT English II
Unit Name and #:
Unit 4
Dystopian Lit
Week 5
Daily Objective: I can present my dystopian project by focusing on the connections
and relationships between various classical texts
ELA.10.Fig19B Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to
support understanding.
ELA.10.5C Evaluate the connection between forms of narration/point of view (e.g.,
unreliable, omniscient) and tone in works of fiction.
ELA.10.7A Analyze and explain the function of symbolism, allegory, and allusions in
literary works.
Learning Activities:
Reader’s response DO NOW—ON HUB!
Presentation of dystopian project (in stations)
Begin Rhetorical Analysis—ON HUB
Assessment Methods: Projects
Checks for Understanding: Project feedback assignments
Materials: Presentation, station handouts
Follow Up/Homework:
2/2-3Turn in SAT illustration/sentences
2/4—District DLA
2/6—DJ 5--INS
2/6—1984 Book 3 due!
Daily Objective: I can compose a rhetorical analysis on a specific passage of text
TEKS/AP/Standards: Ⓡ ELA.10.16D Write an essay (e.g., evaluative essays,
proposals) to the appropriate audience that includes an organizing structure
appropriate to the purpose, audience, and context.
Learning Activities:
Reader’s Response DO NOW—ON HUB!
Rhetorical analysis
Assessment Methods: Rhetorical Analysis
Checks for Understanding: Prewrite activity on HUB
Materials: Student copies of essay prompt, paper
Follow Up/Homework:
2/2-3Turn in SAT illustration/sentences
2/4—District DLA
2/4—Rhetorical analysis essay due on HUB Wednesday!
2/6—DJ 5--INS
2/6—1984 Book 3 due!
Daily Objective: I can analyze texts to complete a district level assessment.
TEKS/AP/Standards: ELA.10.13B Structure ideas in a sustained and persuasive
(logical) way (e.g., using outlines, note taking, graphic organizers, lists) and develop
drafts in timed and open ended situations that include transitions and rhetorical
devices used to convey meaning.
ELA.10.Fig19B Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to
support understanding
Learning Activities:
District DLA
Assessment Methods: DLA
Checks for Understanding: DLA
Materials: Student copies of SAR, paper
Follow Up/Homework:
2/4—Rhetorical Analysis due on HUB Today!
2/6—DJ 5--INS
2/6—1984 Book 3 due!
Daily Objective: I can analyze the creation of the logos appeal in a text
TEKS/AP/Standards: ELA.10.Fig19B Make complex inferences about text and use
textual evidence to support understanding.
Learning Activities:
Response to 1984 concepts—ON HUB
1984 Quiz 5
Logos appeal in 1984
Assessment Methods: 1984 Quiz/DJ 5
Checks for Understanding: Logos in 1984 activity
Materials: Quiz, logos assignment
Follow Up/Homework:
2/6—DJ 5--INS
2/6—1984 Book 3 due!