Lesson Plans AP Lang 2/9-13

Westside High School Lesson Plan
Teacher Name:
Unit Name and #:
AP Lang & Comp
Unit 4
The Great Gatsby/
Week 6
Daily Objective: I can craft an AP-style argumentative essay within the given time
TEKS/AP/Standards: Students will analyze complex rhetoric for a variety of
Learning Activities:
Students will write an argumentative essay (40 minutes)
Students will receive their 4 timed writings back & select 1 to type & revise for the
essay rotation
Assessment Methods: Completed essay
Checks for Understanding: Completed essay
Materials: paper, pen, essay prompt
Follow Up/Homework:
2/10—SAT Vocab due!
2/11 or 2/12: Essay rotation components due, including typed & revised essay
2/13: Socratic Seminar
*Students need a copy of The Grapes of Wrath ASAP!
Daily Objective: I can closely examine and synthesize multiple texts in order to
develop higher level discussion questions.
TEKS/AP/Standards: Students will analyze complex rhetoric for a variety of
Learning Activities:
Multiple Choice DO NOW
Review SAT Vocab hw
Students will write 10 Socratic Seminar questions over The Great Gatsby, “Winter
Dreams,” and Walden for Friday’s Socratic Seminar
Assessment Methods: Socratic Seminar on Friday
Checks for Understanding: Seminar questions
Materials: Copy of all 3 texts or access to them electronically
Follow Up/Homework:
2/11 or 2/12: Essay rotation components due, including typed & revised essay
2/13: Socratic Seminar
*Students need a copy of The Grapes of Wrath ASAP!
Daily Objective: I can complete a variety of edits on AP style essays in order to
improve my writing.
TEKS/AP/Standards: Students will write, revise, and edit AP essays.
Learning Activities:
Multiple Choice DO NOW
Students will have the class period to complete and submit their revised essay,
gauntlet edit, and peer edit over the cycle of Monday timed writings as per the essay
rotation directions
Assessment Methods: completed essays
Checks for Understanding: completed edits, essays
Materials: 4 Monday essays, essay rotation handout
Follow Up/Homework:
2/11 or 2/12: Essay rotation components due, including typed & revised essay
2/13: Socratic Seminar
*Students need a copy of The Grapes of Wrath ASAP!
Daily Objective: I can contribute meaningful questions and comments to an
academic discussion
TEKS/AP/Standards: Students will synthesize multiple texts together for a variety
of purposes.
Learning Activities:
Multiple Choice DO NOW
Students will participate in a Socratic Seminar over The Great Gatsby, “Winter
Dreams,” and Walden
Assessment Methods: discussion
Checks for Understanding: contributions to discussion
Materials: seminar questions;3 texts
Follow Up/Homework:
*Students need a copy of The Grapes of Wrath ASAP!