AP Lang 4/20-4/24

Westside High School Lesson Plan
Teacher Name:
AP Lang & Comp
Unit Name and #:
Unit 6
American Author Study
Week 3
Daily Objective: I can analyze poetry by concentrating on form, structure, and
TEKS/AP/Standards: Students will read and analyze a variety of texts and forms
for a variety of purposes.
Learning Activities:
Introduce philosophical poets and spotlight poet Walt Whitman
Practice Text Rendering strategy as a class with Robert Frost’s “The Gifts Outright”
Practice text rendering in small groups with TS Eliot’s “Hollow Man”
Students will write a short rhetorical analysis paragraph over “Hollow Man”
Assessment Methods: Checks for Understanding: Text Rendering
Materials: copy of the poem
Follow Up/Homework:
Week of 4/27-5/1: AP exam review group presentations (major)
Friday 5/8: American Authors dialectical journals due
Tuesday 5/19: American Authors literary analysis due
Daily Objective: I can closely read a passage in order to answer AP style multiple
choice questions.
TEKS/AP/Standards: Students will read and analyze a variety of texts and forms
for a variety of purposes.
Learning Activities:
Review Text Rendering
Text Rendering in small groups with excerpts from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Self
AP multiple choice practice using “Self Reliance”
Assessment Methods: Checks for Understanding: Text Rendering
Materials: copy of poem
Follow Up/Homework:
Week of 4/27-5/1: AP exam review group presentations (major)
Friday 5/8: American Authors dialectical journals due
Tuesday 5/19: American Authors literary analysis due
Daily Objective: I can analyze poetry by concentrating on form, structure, and
TEKS/AP/Standards: Students will read and analyze a variety of texts and forms
for a variety of purposes.
Learning Activities:
Walt Whitman group discussion and analysis of “Song of Myself”
Create new jigsawed groups of Whitman excerpts
Students will run a student led discussion over their assigned excerpt, teaching it to
their new small group
Students will add lines to their Common Themes page
Assessment Methods: Checks for Understanding: Annotations
Materials: Laptops
Follow Up/Homework:
Week of 4/27-5/1: AP exam review group presentations (major)
Friday 5/8: American Authors dialectical journals due
Tuesday 5/19: American Authors literary analysis due
Daily Objective: I can collaborate with my peers in order to create an informative,
engaging presentation that reviews a major component of the AP test.
TEKS/AP/Standards: AP Language exam review
Learning Activities:
Students will submit their American Author background & cultural context essay
Students will have time to work on their group presentations
A schedule with detailed roles must be submitted by the end of the period
Assessment Methods: Checks for Understanding: progress on presentation, delegated roles
Materials: laptops
Follow Up/Homework:
Xeroxing for AP presentations due ASAP
Week of 4/27-5/1: AP exam review group presentations (major)
Friday 5/8: American Authors dialectical journals due
Tuesday 5/19: American Authors literary analysis due