Monday Week of: 11/3-25/2014 Teacher: Ms. Barnes American Sign Language Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: Daily routines about where they go and how they take care of themselves. They will learn how to sign about their daily experiences. Agenda: DEAF CULTURE UNIT: FILM: SWEET NOTHING IN MY EAR. FILM GUIDE AND ESSAY Materials: vocab and notes Homework- study vocab. Tuesday Materials: vocabulary packet Homework- Study vocabulary sheets Wed/Thurs Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: Daily routines about where they go and how they take care of themselves. They will learn how to sign about their daily experiences. Agenda: DEAF CULTURE UNIT: FILM: SWEET NOTHING IN MY EAR. FILM GUIDE AND ESSAY Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: Daily routines about where they go and how they take care of themselves. They will learn how to sign about their daily experiences. Agenda: DEAF CULTURE UNIT: FILM: SWEET NOTHING IN MY EAR. FILM GUIDE AND ESSAY Materials: notes Homework- Study vocabulary sheets Friday Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: Daily routines about where they go and how they take care of themselves. They will learn how to sign about their daily experiences. Agenda: DEAF CULTURE UNIT: FILM: SWEET NOTHING IN MY EAR. FILM GUIDE AND ESSAY. FINISH ALL LAST QUESTIONS, DISCUSS ANY TOPICS ABOUT THE MOVIE THAT NEED clarifying. Materials: Vocabulary packets, Homework- Study vocabulary sheets *Note, these lessons are subject to change by class. Monday Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: Daily routines about where they go and how they take care of themselves. They will learn how to sign about their daily experiences. Agenda: review vocabulary, create sentences, timed: Abc’s, numbers, and pangrams. Materials: vocab and notes Homework- study vocab. Tuesday Materials: vocabulary packet Homework- Study vocabulary sheets Wed/Thurs Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: Daily routines about where they go and how they take care of themselves. They will learn how to sign about their daily experiences. Agenda: Pop quiz over vocabulary learned thus far, create a daily routine with five items for morning, afternoon, and night routines. Sign with partners. Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: Daily routines about where they go and how they take care of themselves. They will learn how to sign about their daily experiences. Agenda: Test over film, test over pledge, create a calendar of routine activities and sign with a partner. Review vocabulary Materials: notes Homework- Study vocabulary sheets Friday Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: Daily routines about where they go and how they take care of themselves. They will learn how to sign about their daily experiences. Agenda: White boards review activity, practice sentences and a practice dialogue, sign with a partner a premade routine schedule. Materials: Vocabulary packets, Homework- Study vocabulary sheets *Note, these lessons are subject to change by class. Monday Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: Daily routines about where they go and how they take care of themselves. They will learn how to sign about their daily experiences. Agenda: quiz over vocabulary, watch and interpret a video on someone’s weekly and daily routines Materials: vocab and notes Homework- study vocab. Wed/Thurs Tuesday Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: Daily routines about where they go and how they take care of themselves. They will learn how to sign about their daily experiences. Agenda: A day in a deaf person’s life/ their perspective how the hearing culture treats them video and discussion Materials: vocabulary packet Homework- Study vocabulary sheets Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: Daily routines about where they go and how they take care of themselves. They will learn how to sign about their daily experiences. Agenda: Test over daily routine vocabulary, new vocabulary Materials: notes Homework- Study vocabulary sheets Friday Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: Daily routines about where they go and how they take care of themselves. They will learn how to sign about their daily experiences. Agenda: Powerpoint of animals out of the norm using descriptive signs to have the partner guess, Deaf culture notes Materials: Vocabulary packets, Homework- Study vocabulary sheets *Note, these lessons are subject to change by class. Monday Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: Daily routines about where they go and how they take care of themselves. They will learn how to sign about their daily experiences. Agenda: Review game (memory game), what am I thankful for activity Materials: vocab and notes Homework- study vocab. Wed/Thurs Tuesday Objective: The students will be responsible for understanding and producing the signs related to: Daily routines about where they go and how they take care of themselves. They will learn how to sign about their daily experiences. Agenda: Silent Meal! No voice only sign talking! They will eat and use a discussion guided questions to get through the meal. Materials: vocabulary packet Homework- Study vocabulary sheets Objective: Agenda: NO SCHOOL! Materials: Homework- Study vocabulary sheets Objective: Friday Agenda: NO SCHOOL! Materials: Homework- Study vocabulary sheets *Note, these lessons are subject to change by class.