Lesson Plan Teacher: Kanzig Spanish 2 Para Empezar August 25-29 Learning Activities: Date Monday 8/25 (short classes) Objective SO1.1: I can recall simple greetings in Spanish. SO. 1.2: I can use previous knowledge from Spanish 1 to talk about myself. Tuesday Objectives: 8/26 SO 1.3: I can recall vocabulary for personal characteristics and descriptions. Teacher Warm up: Student will receive the class syllabus as well as the Spanish 1 review packet. Opening: What have you done interesting during this summer? Teacher will show a short PPT about herself. Guided Practice 1: Teacher will ask students to share about themselves with their partner and share with the class. Guided Practice 2: Teacher will go over some sections of the review packet for Vocabulary Assessment Quiz Friday. Students will begin working on review Spanish I packet in class Assessment/Closing: Explain- Exit ticket Student Warm Up: Ask questions for clarification. Warm-up: Students learn class expectations and procedures. Warm-up : Ask questions for clarification Opening: Presentation PPT-personal characteristics and descriptions/ adjective agreement. Opening: pair and share to answer the question.* Opening: Ask questions for clarification. What can you say about me? Guided Practice 1: Pair and share about one’s summer. Ask questions for clarification and follow up. Independent Practice: Fill out all vocabulary words on the review packet and ask questions. Assessment/ Closing: Complete Exit ticket SO1.4: I can apply the use of adjective agreement to describe oneself and others orally and in writing. Wed/Th Objectives: SO 1.3: I can 8/27recall vocabulary 28 for personal characteristics and descriptions. *Tell one difference between adjectives in English vs. Spanish. Guided Practice: Students will be asked to describe themselves orally. Teacher will pass a ball around class and students will say their main characteristic/ description about themselves. Assessment/Closing: Exit ticket: Write down (binder Handout) three new characteristics that you learned today and one question about the topic. Follow Up: Present Tense endings Opening: Presentation PPT: Spanish 1 Vocabulary. Guided Practice: Students will practice the pronunciation and meaning of vocabulary words. Independent Practice: Students will create original sentences using SO1.4: I can apply the vocabulary. the use of Assessment/Closing: Teacher will adjective read sample sentences and then ask agreement to thumps up or down if the sentence describe oneself was correct. and others orally Follow Up: Vocabulary Quiz and in writing. (Spanish 1 review packet. Independent Practice: Students will ask each other orally how are they like? -¿Cómo eres tú? Assessment/Closing: answer exit ticket. Opening: Students will take notes over vocabulary. Guided practice: Pronunciation practice. Independent Practice: Students will create original sentences. Assessment/Closing: Answer exit ticket. Friday 8/30 Objectives: SO. 1.2: I can use previous knowledge from Spanish 1 to answer a vocabulary quiz. Warm-up: Review missed vocabulary. Independent Practice: Quick review of missed words from the packet. Assessment: Give Vocabulary Comprehension Quiz. Follow Up: Nationalities/ Poem ¿Quién soy yo? Warm-up : Ask questions for clarification Independent Practice: Students independently review. Assessment: Take Vocabulary Comprehension Quiz