Westside High School Lesson Plan

Westside High School Lesson Plan
Teacher Name:
DeGroodt, Falcon
Unit Name and #:
AP Lit
Poetry; “The Masculine
Jan 5-9
Daily Objective:
Learning Activities:
Assessment Methods:
Checks for Understanding:
Follow Up/HW:
Daily Objective:
 Students will be able to analyze the classic poetic forms of sonnets and villanelles; they will be
able to analyze both and also understand the importance of poetic form as an element.
 To consider a work’s structure, style, and themes as well as such smaller scale
elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone.
 To study representative works from various genres and periods (from the
to the twentieth century) and to know a few works extremely well.
Learning Activities:
 Distribute Catcher (book needs to read and annotated by Monday, January 19)
 Hand out “Poetry Terms To Know” handout
 Review sonnet analysis/unpacking of structure for meaning
 “Sonnet 80” as independent practice/review of sonnet analysis
 Write/pair/share analytical responses to “Sonnet 80”
 Introduce villanelle structure
 Read Dylan Thomas’s “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”
 Guided practice—analysis of Thomas’s villanelle
Major Upcoming Assessment: Independent Poetry Analysis and Composition Assignment (due Jan
Checks for Understanding: “Sonnet 80” analysis as a written (all students) and shared CFU
(randomizing responses); guided practice with villanelles
Materials: Paper, pen/pencil, handouts, book
Follow Up/HW: Read Catcher by Monday, January 19
Daily Objective:
 Students will be able to continue their analysis of sonnets and differentiate the varying
purposes and themes that different generations of poets (Elizabethan v. Metaphysical) employ.
 To consider a work’s structure, style, and themes as well as such smaller scale
elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone.
 To study representative works from various genres and periods (from the sixteenth to the
twentieth century) and to know a few works extremely well.
Learning Activities:
 Warm Up: 10 minutes to read, analyze, and write a response to Spenser’s “Most glorious Lord
of life, that on this day” (Spenserian Sonnet 68).
 Metaphysical poetry: John Donne (Holy Sonnets)
 “Batter My Heart”—analyze as guided practice
 “Death Be Not Proud”—analyze as independent practice; write/pair/share
 Assign Independent Poetry Analysis and Composition Assignment
Major Upcoming Assessment: Independent Poetry Analysis and Composition Assignment (due Jan
Checks for Understanding: Randomizing responses during guided practice and after independent
Materials: Paper, pen/pencil, handouts, book
Follow Up/HW: Independent Poetry Analysis and Composition Assignment (due W/Th, Jan 14/15);
Read Catcher by Monday, January 19
Daily Objective:
 Students will be able to analyze closed forms like sonnets and then transition into analyzing
more complex, open forms like odes.
 To consider a work’s structure, style, and themes as well as such smaller scale
elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone.
 To study representative works from various genres and periods (from the sixteenth to the
twentieth century) and to know a few works extremely well.
Learning Activities:
 Review Independent Poetry Assignment; answer clarifying questions regarding this major
grade (due W/Th)
 Warm Up: Quiz over Keats’ sonnet “Bright Star”
Introduction to odes
 Keats’ “Ode On a Grecian Urn”—divide into groups, Vendler analysis
Major Upcoming Assessment: Independent Poetry Analysis and Composition Assignment (due Jan
Checks for Understanding: “Bright Star” quiz (formal); Vendler group analyses (informal)
Materials: Paper, pen/pencil, handouts, book
Follow Up/HW: Independent Poetry Analysis and Composition Assignment due Wed/Thurs; Read
Catcher by Monday, January 19