MMA Lesson Plan Nov. 17 - Nov. 21

Monday Nov. 17
Objective: SWBAT solve a system of equations using the graphing method.
Activities: Warm Up: Graph a system of equations using the graphing method.
Notes: Demonstrate how to solve a system of linear equations by using the graphing method.
Use application problems.
Independent Practice: Students practice graphing method to find the solution to a system of
Assessment: Exit Ticket
Materials: spiral notes, Handout
Follow Up/HW: finish handout.
Nov. 21
Nov. 19 – 20
Objective: SWBAT solve a system of equations using the graphing method.
Activities: Warm Up: Graphing a line from standard form.
Notes: Introduce systems of equations and the different methods to solve. Graphic Organizer.
Demonstrate how to use the graphing method to solve a system of linear equations. Show
what a no solution looks like on the graph.
Guided Practice: Students practice problems with a partner.
Independent Practice: Handout Systems of Equations.
Assessment: Exit Ticket
Materials: Spiral notes, graphic organizer, handout Graphing method.
Follow Up/HW: finish Handout on Graphing Method.
Tuesday Nov. 18
Math Models with Applications
Systems of Linear Equations
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
November 17 – November 21
Objective: SWBAT solve a system of equations using graphing method and the elimination
Warm up – Solve a system using graphing method.
Assessment: Quiz over solving a system of equations using the graphing method.
Notes: Elimination Method: Show how to solve a system of equations using the elimination
Guided Practice: Students practice problems using the elimination method.
Independent Practice: Finish Handout.
Assessment: Exit Ticket
Materials: Spiral notes, elimination handout, quiz
Follow Up/HW: finish elimination handout
Objective: SWBAT use the elimination method to solve a system of equations.
Activities: Warm Up: Solve a system of linear equations using the elimination method.
Handout with word problems. Setting up word problems.
Independent Practice: Textbook: Solve system of linear equations using the elimination
Assessment: Exit Ticket
Materials: Handout – word problems/spiral notes, textbook.
Follow Up/HW: finish textbook homework