MMA Lesson Plans 11-3 to 11-7

Monday Nov. 3
Objective: SWBAT model Direct variation.
Activities: Warm Up: Graph a line from standard form.
Go over Handout 4.6.
Independent Practice: p. 256 # 1 – 37 odd.
Assessment: Go over Test # 5
Materials: spiral notes, textbook, Test # 5
Follow Up/HW: Finish p. 256 # 1 – 37 odd
Nov. 5 – 6
Objective: SWBAT model direct variation.
Activities: Warm Up: Graphing a line.
Notes 4.6: Introduce Direct Variation: Demonstrate what a direct variation represents.
Students will need to determine if a relation is a direct variation from a table, equation, and
Guided Practice: Students practice problems over direct variation. Handout 4.6
Independent Practice: Handout 4.6 (finish)
Assessment: Exit Ticket
Materials: Handout 4.6/spiral notes/textbook.
Follow Up/HW: finish Handout 4.6
Tuesday Nov. 4
Math Models with Applications
Linear Functions: Rate of Change and graphing with applications/ Direct Variation/ writing
equations of lines
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
November 3 – November 7
Objective: SWBAT graph linear funtions.
Warm up – graphing a line from standard form.
Notes: 4.7: Introduce functions and graphing functions. Find the given value(s) of a
function. Introduce the notation f(x) or g(x), ect.
Guided Practice: Students practice problems with a partner Handout 4.7.
Study Guide for Test # 6
Independent Practice: Finish Handout 4.7.
Assessment: Exit Ticket
Materials: Spiral notes, textbook, handout 4.7, study guide for Test # 6
Follow Up/HW: finish study guide
Objective: SWBAT show mastery over test # 6.
Activities: Warm Up: Answer Questions over study guide for Test # 6.
Assessment: Test # 6
Materials: Test # 6/study guide
Follow Up/HW: none