Lesson Plans: Matrices and Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities Stage 3 – Learning Plan Nov. 5 – 6 Objective: SWBAT multiply matrices. SWBAT review for Test # 6 over graphing systems of inequalities and matrices. Warm Up: Graph a system of inequalities. Activities: Go over Handout 3.6 and answer questions. Demonstrate more problems on how to multiply two matrices. Guided Practice: Multiply matrices with a partner. Begin Review/Study Guide on TEST # 6. Assessment: Exit Ticket Materials: Spiral Notes, handout 3.6, study guide for Test # 6 Follow Up/HW: finish study guide for Test # 6. Objective: SWBAT test over matrices and graphing systems of inequalities. Warm Up: Questions on Study Guide. Assessment: Test # 6 Materials: Test # 6. Follow Up/HW: none Nov. 4 Tuesday Objective: SWBAT multiply matrices. Activities: Warm Up: Matrices Notes: 3.6: Demonstrate how to multiply matrices. Show how to determine if it is possible to multiply matrices. Guided Practice: Students practice multiplying matrices with a partner. Independent Practice: Handout 3.6: Multiplying Matrices. Exit Ticket: Multiply Matrices. Materials: spiral notes, Handout 3.6 Follow Up/HW: Finish Handout 3.6 Wed/Thur Objective: SWBAT review basic matrix operations. SWBAT review graphing systems of linear inequalities. Activities: Warm Up: Graph a system of inequalities. Go over handout 3.5/Answer questions Guided Practice: Students practice problems on basic matrix operations with a partner. Page. 191 # 4 – 27, 33(setting up a matrix) Assessment: Exit Ticket Materials: Spiral notes, textbook, handout 3.5 Follow Up/HW: Finish p. 191 # 4 – 27, 33 Friday Nov. 7 Monday Nov. 3 November 3 – November 7