Systems of Equations 3.1 & 3.2
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
October 20 – October 24
Objective: SWBAT find the solution to a system of equations.
Activities: Warm Up: Graph a linear equation.
Notes: Graphic organizer of systems of equations. Demonstrate how to find the solution to a system of equations. Go over one solution (consistent and independent), no solution(inconsistent), and infinite solutions(consistent and dependent). Use the graphing method.
Guided Practice: Students practice finding the solution to a system of equations using the graphing method.
Independent Practice: 3.1 Handout # 1 - 3
Assessment: Exit Ticket
Materials: Spiral notes, handout
Follow Up/HW: Finish 3.1 Handout
Objective: SWBAT take the district Snapshot # 2.
Activities: SnapShot # 2 District
Materials: District Snapshot
Follow Up/HW: none
Objective: SWBAT use the substitution method to solve systems of equations.
Warm Up: Graphing method
Activities: Notes 3.2: Demonstrate how to use the substitution to find the solution to a systems of equations. Go over one solution, infinite solutions, and no solution. Setting up and solving word problems of systems of equations.
Review Test # 4
Independent Practice: Students practice on systems of equations using substitution method.
Notes 3.2: Begin elimination method.
Assessment: Exit Ticket
Materials: Spiral Notes, handout
Follow Up/HW: finish handout 3.2 substitution method
Objective: SWBAT use the elimination method to solve systems of equations.
Warm Up: Substitution method
Activities: Use the elimination method to solve systems of equations. Show one solution, infinite solutions, and no solution.
Guided Practice: Students practice elimination method with a partner.
Independent Practice: Students practice solving systems using the elimination method.
Assessment: Exit Ticket
Materials: textbook, spiral notes, handout 3.2
Follow Up/HW: finish 3.2 handout