AQIP Action Project

Annual Update: 2008-09-09
A. Describe the past year's accomplishments and the current status of this Action Project.
The Valuing Adjunct Team was established in January 2008. The Team consists of adjunct
faculty, full-time faculty and full-time staff who represent the three divisions of the college. The
Team has met 10 times since its inception. The team identified four areas of Adjunct
Professional Development and Adjunct Mentoring as the primary goals. Since January, 77
Adjunct Faculty Members have attended training in the areas of Basic Technology, Blackboard,
and Designing Significant Learning Experiences. A Mentoring Pilot Project was implemented in
the Business and Education Division Spring Quarter 2008 and 5 new Adjunct Faculty Members
received mentoring. Data has been collected via the use of surveys after each of the trainings.
The results have been overwhelmingly positive with “being able to network with other adjuncts”
as one of the best outcomes of the trainings. An additional training entitled “Conflict in the
Classroom, Dealing with Disruptive Students” will be delivered in August and 20 adjunct faculty
members are currently registered for this training. The success of this team and action project is
evident in the fact that the College has institutionalized Adjunct Professional Development and
Mentoring via a committed budget. North Central State College has also expanded the position
of Adjunct Liaison since the inception of this project.
Review (09-12-08):
What an impressive project! You are focused on people and learning (AQIP Categories 1
Helping Students Learn and 4 Valuing People). You are demonstrating the true intent of AQIP
principles by involving a cross-section of faculty and staff and putting words and goals into
action. A number of aspects of the project are exemplary practice. The design includes
technology training AND training in effective pedagogy. Clear and specific targets were
identified. In addition, you have committed appropriate resources to accomplish various tasks,
including the Adjunct liaison and project mentors. Even the term “Valuing Adjunct Team”
declares that you have made this a priority. The project appears grounded in solid planning with
specific measurable objectives and evaluation (AQIP Category 8 Planning Continuous
B. Describe how the institution involved people in work on this Action Project.
This AQIP action project has been a college priority. It has received recognition and support
from the Planning Advisory Council which develops the strategic initiatives for the college, the
Faculty Caucus, the Adjunct Advisory Committee, the college president, the deans and
department chairs. These entities recognize the need for professional development and mentoring
for adjunct faculty due to the increased reliance on adjunct faculty members to deliver courses.
All of these entities have seen and realized the benefit of the efforts of this team as the Adjunct
Faculty members are feeling more a part of the institution and are taking advantage of the
training opportunities. The college community is kept aware of this project by frequent college emails and all team meeting minutes being posted on the AQIP website on the college web page.
Review (09-12-08):
Clearly, this adjunct faculty initiative is an institutional priority. You have broad-based support
and praise, from senior leadership and deans to both full-time and adjunct faculty. Furthermore,
communicating through the AQIP and college websites suggests that you are USING continuous
improvement tools to accomplish your goals. Building relationships seems to be a central part of
the culture at your college (AQIP Categories 9 Building Collaborative Relationships and 4
Valuing People).
C. Describe your planned next steps for this Action Project.
The Team’s immediate plans are to continue having regular monthly meetings, to continue to
deliver training on a monthly basis and to have all new adjunct faculty members assigned to a
mentor Fall Quarter 2008. It is the belief of the team that all adjunct faculty members should
receive all of the four trainings being offered. Additionally, the Team plans to continue to
improve the training based on Adjunct Faculty feedback, and to improve assessment of the
impact of the training and mentoring on the quality of teaching and learning and the adjunct
faculty’s sense of being valued by the college.
Review (09-12-08):
You have demonstrated the application of AQIP principles by continuing to implement goals as
you review your progress. Several elements of excellent practice are apparent: the monthly
Valuing Adjunct Team meetings, assigning a mentor to all adjunct faculty, and using feedback
from the adjunct faculty to make changes (AQIP Categories 8 Continuous Improvement and 9
Measuring Effectiveness). Continue to build on those successes. It will also be important to
ensure that the vision of reaching all adjunct faculty is realistic. Are the resources available and
sustainable? Is anyone stretched too thin?
D. Describe any "effective practice(s)" that resulted from your work on this Action Project.
The major benefit of this action project is the overall increase in the morale of Adjunct Faculty
as they truly feeling valued. This is evident in their comments on project-related surveys and
comments that are verbally shared with the Adjunct Liaison, Deans, Department Chairs, fulltime faculty members, etc. This is the first time that Adjunct Faculty has been offered training
and stipends for attendance at the training. The institution’s willingness to support this program
has made them feel like they are truly a vital part of the institution. This project has had a global
impact in the inclusion of adjunct faculty on other committees as well as improved
communication and recognition for Adjunct Faculty. The title of the Team – the Valuing Adjunct
Team -- lends credibility to all aspects of this project.
Review (09-12-08):
The institutional commitment has been backed up with stipends for the adjuncts, an adjunct
liaison, and diverse training opportunities. Improved communication, greater adjunct faculty
involvement on committees, and increased morale strengthen the entire institution and may
provide the impetus for accomplishing other initiatives. One success can lead to the next.
Celebrate those milestones! Another unstated benefit of this project would be the positive impact
of this initiative on students and learning. The AQIP principles of leading and communicating
are apparent (AQIP Category 5).
E. What challenges, if any, are you still facing in regards to this Action Project?
One challenge is to provide training at times when Adjunct Faculty are available and to serve a
large population of Adjunct Faculty with varying needs in all divisions of the College. Another
challenge is to determine how to assess the impact of the project on teaching and learning.
Review (09-12-08):
You are to be commended for tackling the many issues related to developing a strong team of
adjunct faculty. You recognize the considerable challenge of meeting the needs of diverse
adjunct faculty, who have multiple demands on time. Have you taken full advantage of the
capabilities of your online technology--training on line, discussion boards and chat rooms? Are
there any possibilities for tapping graduate student resources to conduct the assessment of impact
on teaching and learning? If your own college does not have graduate students, perhaps you
could collaborate with a neighboring university.
F. If you would like to discuss the possibility of AQIP providing you help to stimulate progress
on this action project, explain your need(s) here and tell us who to contact and when?
Review (09-12-08):
Celebrate and share what you have accomplished! This project can be a great springboard for
other challenging initiatives. Your excellent “best practice” should also be shared with other
higher education institutions. Good work!