Assessment Committee Meeting
Fallerius 149
Members Present:
Anne Strouth, Ellen Johnson, Lynn Jones, Jim Hull, Randy Storms, Bob Lewis, Richard Birk, Gina
Kamwithi, Dr. Karen Reed, Jen Adkins
Bob Lewis – Makes motion to approve the 1-24-14 minutes as distributed
Ellen Johnson - Seconds the motion.
Motion Approved
Discussion was held on mapping –Dr. Reed indicated a need to abide by the timetable that was set to make sure mapping is correct and make adjustments for Fall. These adjustments
can be discussed on April 11 during in-service day.
Discussion was held on Program/Course Outcomes a.
Course outcomes should roll into the program outcomes. b.
If course outcomes are changed, there will be a need to come to curriculum meeting for approval. c.
Recommendation of committee is that 8-10 course outcomes are sufficient excluding accreditation requirements. d.
It was noted that program outcomes were supposed to be completed before
Christmas and that all divisions knew the deadline. Richard noted that there had been a lot of chaos and that departments were still working on these.
Discussion was held regarding In-Service Day agenda – Please send to Anne your ideas, what kind of workshops will be effective, how best to provide those faculty with novice ability support and education from those current faculty who have a good knowledge base on
assessment and also provide those with a good knowledge base additional education, plus general ideas on how you think April 11 should be conducted. Please email this to Anne no later than February 14, 2014 at 9:00 AM. She will then compile all this information and send it back out to committee members by the end of the day. It was also the general consensus of the committee that six hours is needed on April 11.
D iscussion on Dr. Diab’s response to the committee’s questions – Anne clarified that she is paraphrasing what Dr. Diab’s response to her was; as he did not email her back he left her a voice mail. a.
He did not have a problem with BIT EPPS not being combined. He doesn’t want to cut members on the committee. b.
If we don’t like the word “coordinate”, he said it could be changed. The committee recommended it be changed back to “assist”.
Assessment Committee Meeting
Fallerius 149
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He would like to have non-academic members on the committee. Committee members were not in agreement with this. It was suggested that non-academic members could form a separate committee, and the Assessment Committee would be the governing body. Discussion was held that while this may be a good idea in the future, at this time the Assessment Committee is still getting its feet wet and figuring out the academic side of things. Adding in the non-academic right now would be overwhelming. Jim noted that it would helpful for the academic side to be on the same page as the advising side of things. Dr. Reed will meet with Dr. Diab in the future with the committees concerns.
Dr. Reed advised that the new Dean of Student Services will hopefully be starting next
Wednesday. She will automatically be placed on the Deans Council. Dr. Reed is encouraged because now we will have a closer relationship with Student Services.
Gina noted almost 100% on the rubrics but about 50% made mistakes in the last summation line. But that is still great. Gina will get with those people who made the errors. It was suggested that we do this again this semester so the process won’t get rusty.
This was agreed on by the committee. When Anne sends out the email, she will include
“To keep you in practice, it is suggested by the committee that you do this since it will be coming back in the Fall”.
Discussion on expedited outcome reviews – It was suggested that if huge batches were received that a sub-committee could go through them. A plan has not been put into place yet. Jim noted that everything is going to come to expedited committee first, so they should decide if it is expedited or not. If it is not expedited then curriculum committee appearance will be necessary. Dr. Reed noted that this is documented in the curriculum committee meeting minutes to allow for proper follow through.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:36pm
Next meeting: 2.21.14 at 11:00am