examples of CLO assessments

Examples of Core Learning Outcomes Assessment Plans for Master (and Student) Syllabi
This following table includes the newly defined CLOs as they will be updated in all Master Syllabi. Examples of assessment plans are provided strictly AS
Core Learning Objectives
Assessment - - How it is met & When it is met
All Listed Assignments are graded.
Communication – Written
Communication – Speech
Intercultural Knowledge &
The student will explore strategies to evaluate computer products and define product standards for
an organization via research and written report in conjunction with Ch. 7; assessed using Writing
Across the Curriculum rubric.
The student will write a research paper on successful web based companies; due end of term;
assessed using Writing Across the Curriculum rubric.
The student will write analytic essays in weeks 5 and 10; response essays in weeks 3 and 7; evaluated
by rubric.
The student will find and present a summary of a professional journal article that identifies physical,
mental and cognitive impairments and addresses the etiology and impact; assessed using the Speech
Checklist; weeks 8 and 9.
The student will function as an engineering team member in an academic environment to work on a
project and present it; assessed via Speech Rubric; mid-term.
The student will do an oral presentation on informational interviewing, due at the end of the
semester, as well as mock interviews throughout the semester; assessed using the Speech rubric.
The student will discuss and explore their own personal attitude toward disability and mental illness
and how that impacts their interactions with clients; assessed in Personal Attitude Reflection
assignment (rubric); week 14.
The student will identify the influence of cultural practices on an individual's adaptation of stressors
and level of wellness; assessed in critical thinking exam questions (exam key) and identified in care
plans of clients related to health practices followed (care plan rubric); weeks 2-16.
The student will produce a technical marketing brochure that addresses multicultural audience issues;
evaluated by brochure rubric; week 9.
Critical Thinking
The student will increase his/her intercultural knowledge/skills/attitudes through small group
projects/presentations; evaluated by pre and post self-assessment using the intercultural
knowledge/competence rubric; mid-term with self-assessment repeated at end-of-term after clinical
The student will plan, assemble, order, and produce a Portfolio Project that will require the student to
prioritize artwork, sequence and group the artwork, and trouble shoot problems that come up along
the way; throughout the semester; assessed using Portfolio Project rubric.
The student will evaluate a patient scenario (to include patient assessment), select an appropriate
therapy, and explain the rationale for the selection; cases in exams 1, 2, and 3; assessed via exam key.
Student will study and analyze historical engineering disasters and while working in teams, develop
practical Engineering Preventative Management Solutions to these scenarios throughout the
semester; evaluated using Solutions rubric.
The student will evaluate the effect of ethical considerations and social responsibility given local and
global business scenarios; exams/quizzes throughout the semester but primarily assessed on exam
during 1st 4 weeks.
The student will respond appropriately to a complex “What would you do?” scenario that requires
analysis, evaluation, inference, and explanation; scenario provided week 1 and finals week for a pre
and post assessment using the critical thinking rubric.
Information Literacy
The student will find and present a summary of a professional journal article that identifies physical,
mental and cognitive impairments and addresses the etiology and impact; assessed using the
Information Literacy rubric; weeks 8 and 9.
The student will explore strategies to evaluate computer products and define product standards for
an organization via research and written report in conjunction with Ch. 7; assessed using Information
Literacy rubric.
The student will complete a research paper assessed via the research writing rubric; 8th week of the
The student will solve homework problems in solar conversions, fuel efficiencies, and power loss
(EIEO) using Excel, and temperature conversions using BASIC throughout the semester; assessed with
problem answer key.
The student will convert numbers among the decimal, binary, and hexadecimal number systems in
problems in the midterm and final exams; assessed via answer key.
The student will perform clinical medication calculations; Weekly and Final Exams (answer key).
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