SW FEA tutorial shaft 01

Solidworks ®FEA Instruction Set
Topics Covered: The following instruction set will outline how to perform finite element analysis
(FEA) using Solidworks 2014.
The following instruction set will outline the steps to apply a bending and torsional load to a
stepped shaft.
Starting a New Analysis
To begin an analysis in Solidworks, open an existing part you would like to study
1.) Open Solidworks
2.) Toolbar>File>Open
3.) Under the Office Products Tab, click on Solidworks Simulation
4.) Under the Simulation Tab, click the Study Adivsor icon
5.) Under the left menu, select the type of study as Static
and select new study.
Note: The bottom left corner of your screen will now display a new static study called Static 1.
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Adding Material Properties
To set your part to a certain material
Right click the Material Tab in the Design Tree on the left panel.
Select Edit Material.
Select 1045 Steel, cold drawn and click Apply.
Where the Material Tab was before it should now display 1045 Steel, cold drawn.
Save all changes.
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Adding a Fixed Position
Before adding any loads, it is important to identify what parts of your element are stationary.
1.) Rotate your object so that you can see the back of the rectangular plate.
2.) Under the Static 1 Study menu on the left, right click on the Fixtures tool
3.) Click on the back face and ensure that Fixed Geometry is selected
4.) Click the Green Check in the left panel to accept changes.
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Adding an External Load
To add a load on your object:
1.) Under the Study menu on the left, right click on the External Loads tool
2.) Select the Force icon
3.) Select the right face of the bar. As default, the load will be applied inward normal to the face
as shown below.
4.) To create a bending load, you can change the direction of the applied force by clicking the
Selected direction button
in the left menu.
5.) Select one of the vertical edges of the rectangular base as shown below. The arrows
representing the force should now point vertically.
6.) Under the Units Tab in the left menu, scroll down and select English (IPS).
7.) Under the Force Tab, enter a value for the force. 350 lbf is used for this example.
8.) Click the Green Check in the left panel to accept changes.
Note: If the force arrows indicate a downward force, you can select reverse direction under the force
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Creating a Mesh
To run an FEA analysis, a mesh must be created.
1.) Right click on the Mesh icon
in the left menu.
2.) Click the Create Mesh tool
3.) A Mesh Density Slider will appear in the left menu. A finer density mesh will give more
accurate results but will take longer to run. Select somwhere in the middle of the slider.
4.) Click the Green Check in the left panel to accept changes.
5.) Left clicking on the Mesh icon
Coarse Mesh
will now show your object meshed.
Fine Mesh
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Running an Analysis
To run an FEA analysis
1.) Right click on the Mesh icon
in the left menu.
2.) Click on Mesh and Run. Depending on the resolution of your mesh, this operation may take
a few minutes.
3.) When complete, several options will appear under the Results Tab
in the left
4.) Right click on Stress1
5.) Click Edit Definition.
6.) Under the Display Menu, check that von Mises Stress is selected and change units to ksi.
6.) Click the Green Check in the left panel to accept changes.
7.) If the stress plot is not shown, right click again on Stress1
and select
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Changing the Load
To change the force to a torsional load
1.) Right click on Force 1 under the External Loads Tab and select Suppress. This eliminates the
bending force.
2.) Under the Study menu on the left, right click on the External Loads tool
3.) Select Torque…
4.) Select the face of the shaft.
5.) Select a reference face by clicking next to the pink box
shown below.
Select the same face of the shaft for the reference face.
Under the Units Menu, select English (IPS)
Set a torque value. This example uses 250 in-lbf.
Click the Green Check in the left panel to accept changes.
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Meshing and Running and Analysis
To run an analysis with the applied torque
1.) Right click on the Mesh icon
in the left menu.
2.) Click on Mesh and Run. Depending on the resolution of your mesh, this operation may take
a few minutes.
3.) Right click on Stress1
4.) Click Edit Definition.
5.) Under the Display Menu, check that von Mises Stress is selected and change units to ksi.
8.) Click the Green Check in the left panel to accept changes.
9.) If the stress plot is not shown, right click again on Stress1
and select
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