Teacher- Mr. Hargrove
Room- 18B
I. Background
This course is designed to explore Glencoe Health. The year is devoted to the study of health issue.
II Order of Topics
The course shall be divided into the following sections.
First 6-Weeks- chapters 1 & 2
Second 6-Weeks- chapters 6 & 19
Third 6-Weeks- chapters 25 & 28 /Project
III. Grading Policy
The following is a breakdown of how the grades are calculated for each six weeks.
Please note that the Portfolio (notebooks) shall count as a major grade each 6 week.
Major Exams/Portfolio-minimum of 2 and preferably 3 per 6 weeks-40%
Daily- 40%, Quizzes-10%, and Homework-10%
IV. Materials
A. Notebook- It is used to organize and keeps track of the student’s progress. The materials inside represent what he/she has done during the 6 week period. After each 6 week is complete the notebook is cleaned out.
B. Writing instruments- pen (Blue or Black ink Only) and pencils.
C. Textbook- are to be brought to the classroom everyday.
V. Acknowledgment
I have read the above and understand these rules shall be enforced on all students I also understand that the guidelines for the class may be adjusted based on the assignment along with the consequence.
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Welcome, my name is Mr. Hargrove, I’m pleased to have you in my class, and hope you are equally glad to be here. I’m looking forward for a great and successful academic year. I hope you had a good first day at the school, and that it only will get better from here on.
Once again welcome aboard !
Student Success Code:
Be present and on time
Bring all learning materials with you, students will be responsible for having their supplies each day (paper, pencil, pen, and 3-ring binder)
Respect other people and their property at all time.
Students will be in their seat ready to work when the bell rings.
Do not abuse our classroom materials or content in the classroom.
Keep classroom clean and put away materials neatly each day.
No personal grooming in the classroom and no eating in classroom.
Follow directions the first time that there given.
Test/Major Projects-40% Daily Work-40% Quizzes-10% Homework-10%
“Make-up work is the responsibility of the student and will be accepted in accordance with the policy outlined in the student handbook. No late homework will be accepted .”
My conference period will be on ODD DAYS after 1:30 pm. If you have any concerns, please call me at 713-723-6015 to set an appointment.
Parent Signature
Student Signature