Supplementary data

Supplementary data
“Aligned collagen-GAG matrix as a 3D substrate for Schwann cell migration and
dendrimer-based gene delivery” (Antos Shakhbazau, Simon J. Archibald, Dzmitry
Shcharbin, Maria Bryszewska, Rajiv Midha)
Supplementary Figure 1. Experiment outline for in vitro matrix seeding and migration studies. A, SC
seeding on collagen-GAG matrix fragment. B, analysis of SC migration from the pre-seeded matrix. C,
analysis of SC migration onto the empty matrix from monolayer.
Supplementary Figure 2. Expansion of purified cultured Schwann cells on collagen-GAG matrix in vitro.
Cells were seeded at different concentrations (cells/mL) and harvested at two time points after matrix
digestion with trypsin. To normalize for the differences in fragments sizes, cell numbers are presented as per
mg of matrix wet weight.
Supplementary Figure 3. Cultured Schwann cells on collagen-GAG matrix sections in vitro. A, cells
attach more effectively to the matrix section (day 2). B, cells expand preferentially on the surrounding tissue
culture plastic (day 7).
Supplementary Figure 4. Outline of the experiment on SC migration into the collagen-GAG matrix from
fresh nerve fragments in vitro.
Supplementary Table 1. Zeta-size of pLVHTM/PAMAM particles (polydispersity index
Peak 1
Peak 2
Peak 3
Size, nm
* PSD, particle size distribution
% PSD* Intensity