PHS Syllabus 2014-2015

Westbury High School
Principles of Health Science
Instructors Debra D. Hurt, RN,CHST
Larry Langlois, MBA/HCM
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide for the development of advanced knowledge & skills related
to a wide variety of health careers. Students will have hands-on experiences for continued
knowledge and skill development. To pursue a career in the health science industry students
should recognize, learn to reason, think critically, make decisions, solve problems, and
communicate effectively. Students should recognize that quality health care depends on the
ability to work well with others. The health science industry is comprised of diagnostic,
therapeutic, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research & development
systems that function individually and collaboratively to provide comprehensive health care.
Students should identify the employment opportunities, technology, and safety requirements of
each system. Students are expected to apply the knowledge & skills necessary to pursue a health
science career through further education & employment. Professional integrity in the health
science industry is dependent on acceptance of ethical & legal responsibilities. Students are
expected to employ their ethical & legal responsibilities, recognize limitations, and understand
the implications of their actions.
Grading policy as follows:
A = 90% - 100%
B = 80% - 89%
C = 75% - 79%
D = 70% - 74%
F = 50% - 69%
F = cheating
Diversified Health Occupations, 6th Ed., by Louise Simmers (classroom set only)
Course Evaluations:
Grades will be calculated as follows:
40% Independent Practice
10% Do Now
40% Tests/Projects/Common Assessments
10% Quizzes/ Homework
Westbury High School
American Journals of Nursing
Nursing magazines
Various other health and medical journals
Internet resources
Notebook/ Paper
2 pens – black ink
#2 pencils
Journal (composition book)
Behavioral Expectations:
1. Be on time to class. If you miss the bus to the hospital or clinic because you are tardy, you
must report to your House Office and remain there until the end of the class. Make every
effort to be present. Presence in class is vital to understanding the material.
Come to class prepared. Bring materials to class daily.
Be courteous and respectful of teacher and classmates at all times.
Be attentive! Do not talk or do other work during lectures or student presentations.
Raise your hand for permission to speak.
Do not leave the classroom without permission. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE
OR LAST 20 MINUTES OF CLASS or be allowed to take care of any personal
or school business during class time.
6. All students must keep a daily journal for DO NOW.
7. All assignments are to be turned in on time. Makeup work is your responsibility.
8. Cellular phones must not be visible or audible during class time. CD players, MP3
players, or other electronic devices will not be permitted. Equipment should be locked
in your locker before class begins.
9. Do not bring other class work to be done during Principles of Health Science Classes.
If work is being done for other classes, it may be confiscated.
Students are not to use the phone for personal use. The telephone is a business phone.
Respect equipment and supplies. Do not use equipment (including beds and
computers) unless you have received permission, or for class instruction.
Reference books may be used during the class period with permission.
Bottled water is allowed in the classroom. Please discard upon exiting classroom. No
food or other drinks are allowed.
All personal information must be updated.
Westbury High School
Grading Considerations:
Cheating will not be tolerated and will affect your grade. It will also be reported to your
Administrator. No talking is allowed during exams.
Late work will result in penalty point deductions and must be turned in on the next day of
If you have an excused absence for any daily work or quiz, it is your responsibility to
complete makeup work within 5 consecutive school days of your return or it will affect
your grade.
A comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of each semester.
Comprehensive Course Outline for Fall and Spring Semesters
History, Trends and Careers in Health Care
Personal and Professional Qualities of a Health Care Worker
Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
Cultural Diversity
Nutrition and Diets
Computer Technology in Health Care
Preparing for the Working World