Opportunities for improvement

May 2004 CQI/AQIP Workshops
Report on NCSC’s Opportunities for Improvement
(Affinity Diagram Activity)
Day 1 or 2
(Votes per
1 (0)
Growth &
1 (0)
Physical Plant
1 (2)
1 (5)
1 (6)
1 (4)
Subject specific faculty education/training
Distance learning
Lower clinical ratios
Increase transfer courses
Writing placement based on essay, not COMPASS
Value writing across the curriculum
Ask disciplines what they want from general education
Professional development for front-line staff
Opportunities for education and participation
Professional development for all staff and faculty
Advising services for students
Retention efforts
Leaky roofs
Start athletic teams
Develop outdoor fields
Repair outdoor tennis courts
Expand PAC
Streamlined processes
Requisition/purchase process
Simplify rules and regulations
Open, flexible thinking
Thinking outside the box
Teamwork at senior management level
Consistency of adjuncts within same course
Merit pay system
Consistent evaluation of all
Consistent recognition where/when deserved
Institutional valuing of human resources
Posititive outlook on future of college
Culture in PAC
Learn about other people’s jobs
Communication 1 (10)
2 (10)
1 (1)
2 (2)
Vision and
Strategic Plan
1 (8)
Campus-wide communication (x2)
Communication (x3)
Dialogue/interaction President’s office and college faculty and staff
Financial aid opportunities for students
Empower others in decision-making process
Shared governance
Freedom of speech, top-down and down-up communication
Communication processes, senders and receivers
Keep people up to date on changes
Communication within the organization, vertical and horizontal
Change Curriculum Committee from “star chamber” to
helpful/encouraging forum, recognizes faculty as subject matter
Communication, all directions
Interdepartmental communication
Celebrate individual and institutional achievements
Communication, internal and external
New employee orientation plan
Orientate all, S, F & A
Introduction of new employees to college
New employee orientation to culture of college
Health benefits fair for all faculty/staff
Mentoring of adjunct
New “person” orientation
New employee orientation (x2)
New employee (faculty) orientation, training
Integrated orientation process
Viable institutional vision and planning process
A real, collective vision of who we are and who we want to be
Accurate collection of data
Regular planning sessions at all levels
2 (8)
and Trust
1 (10)
Mission, vision, goals – revisit, revise, ownership
Develop means to acquire up to date instructional tools
Improving mission/vision, changing it to match what we actually do
Shared vision
Assessment processes related to strategic plan/institutional goals,
connected and accessible
Bottom up planning
Strategic planning – linkages to institutional/departmental goals
Strategic planning (x2)
Board of Trustees
Administrative Cabinet
Faculty/Staff Senate
Exploration, acknowledgement, spirit, teamwork, friendliness, levity,
“can do,” camaraderie, free thinking
Technology support, new computers
Holistic ideas
More autonomy
Give authority, not just responsibility
Freedom to make improvements/restructure as teams see fit
Ownership to individuals
Trust people to make decisions
Empowered employees
Keep “entire” college community in mind at all times
Mutual respect within all departments
Lose past baggage
Stop complaining about the past
More respect of others and their jobs
Let go of the past
Leaders that trust and empower employees
Give experts authority to do what they can do
Be “naïve” again, not closed minded
Actively manage policy and procedure system
Hold those responsible accountable
Value new-innovative ideas
Build trust throughout college community
2 (9)
Empowerment of supervisors for decision making
Power to change procedures and processes to those who do them
Use strengths of people in the college
Support of lower level initiatives
Staff empowerment
Company involvement
Community improvement – serve more students, tell our public
message better
Assessment within staff and administrative areas, perhaps with 360
degree evaluation
Management seeks input of all employees through regular small
group meetings
Advertising/communication about specific programs
Encourage creativity
Access to institutional data, reports
Evaluation process/tool
Evaluation process
Ongoing professional development
Faculty evaluation system
Higher enrollment standards
Safety processes re: tornados, etc.
Faculty advising
Student knowledge of procedures
Policy for late registrations and withdrawals
Student intake procedures
Student orientation process
Admissions process
Student admission (recruitment to first visit to enrollment)
Safety on campus – emergency phones in parking lots
Tutoring, student tutors in technical courses
Support for on-line course expansion
Financial policies and procedures
Compensation for adjunct instructors
Inservices/training meetings for staff
Realign pay scale – more equitable with job person is doing
Wages competitive with workforce
2 (0)
2 (9)
Policies and
2 (2)