NC State and the Systems Portfolio

NC State and the Systems Portfolio
What is the Systems Portfolio?
It is a “living document” that:
 Describes key systems and processes we use to achieve our mission.
 Documents the performance results we obtain through them.
 Is organized around the nine AQIP Categories.
 Is 80 to 100 pages in length.
 Replaces the self study in the re-accreditation process.
How is the Systems Portfolio helpful?
The Portfolio:
 Identifies areas for improvement – targets for future Action Projects.
 Informs and integrates with strategic planning.
 Provides formative evaluation through the AQIP Systems Appraisal process.
 Is a resource for grant applications, other accreditation processes.
 Allows us to maintain NCA accreditation.
What is our plan for creating the Systems Portfolio?
The Portfolio will be created:
 With the involvement of the College Community through team memberships.
 Under the leadership and coordination of the AQIP Steering Committee.
Systems Portfolio Teams will:
 Write responses to selected questions within the AQIP Categories assigned to them.
 Work collaboratively with the AQIP Steering Committee.
 Be finished with their assignments by June 2007.
Have an interest in joining a Systems Portfolio Team?
Please put your name on the attached form and turn it in.