AQIP Steering Committee Meeting Report for January 27, 2005 Attendees: Jim Hull, Brad McCormack, Bev Walker, Carol Easley, Lew Milner, Margaret Puckett, Ron Abrams, Kate Peresie TOPIC DISCUSSION Purpose of the Committee The Committee’s purpose is to facilitate AQIP processes, stay on top of what’s going on, communicate with the College. Future Meeting Times ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPONSIBL E TIME LINE The Committee discussed a name for itself – one to convey the Committee’s purpose. Approved the name of “AQIP Steering Committee.” Committee Done. The Committee developed a Mission Statement that states: “To communicate, facilitate, coordinate, and monitor the College’s AQIP efforts and accomplishments throughout the College. Come back to the Mission Statement for approval at the next meeting. Committee Next meeting. Check date/time with consultants, reserve a room, arrange for snacks, and notify the Committee. Kate One week. Subsequent meetings will be on select Mondays at 2:00 for the remainder of the quarter. The Committee will meet about every two weeks. Dates will be scheduled for the remainder of the quarter. Kate One week. Meetings for Spring Quarter will be scheduled at the next meeting after Jim and Kate have checked their teaching schedules (Margaret already knows hers). Jim and Kate will bring their spring quarter schedule information to the next meeting. The Committee will set meeting dates/times. Jim, Kate, Committee Next meeting. The primary goal for this year is to prepare for the Strategy Forum in October. This entails gleaning information from the Examiner report and other sources for the purpose of identifying potential Action Projects, then developing those projects for the Strategy Forum. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, February 21st, 2:00 – 4:00, for consultants Kask and Urso’s presentation. Training Needs Training for the Committee could be/should be about AQIP and about continuous improvement processes. The Committee decided to: Arrange to visit other colleges’ AQIP steering committees (or the like) to learn from their experiences. Contact some community colleges in Kate Ohio to make arrangements and communicate to the Committee. Two weeks. Purchase the Svendor CD entitled, The Use of Quality Tools to Improve Education. A follow-up workshop is a possiblilty. Order and view the CD. Kate, Committee March meeting. Read/review AQIP processes. Send out an AQIP document to the Committee. Kate, Committee One week. Keep abreast of workshop offerings. Make opportunities available. Kate Ongoing. Get information on “Other Organizations” from AQIP. Kate One week. Decided to not use different survey instrument. Committee Done. AQIP may have some new training workshops available late spring. HLC’s Annual Meeting is early April with some sessions on AQIP. Education about AQIP and continuous improvement for the College community was discussed. There are misconceptions “out there.” The best education will be through participation in the process and sharing of results. AQIP Dr. Abrams shared a draft of the Board goals. The Board is in Criteria/AQIP the process of integrating the AQIP Criteria with the goals. Examiner The AQIP Examiner report includes data for “Other Organizations” without any explanation of who/what those organizations are. That information is necessary for comparing NC State data with others’ data. (A comparative report will be provided by AQIP when more institutions have participated in Examiner.) The Committee recognized that the Examiner report cannot be used to compare to other organizations, but to show relative areas of strength and weakness within the institution. In Consultants Communication Leadership addition, the Examiner report is but one source of information for the Committee to use in investigating/identifying opportunities for improvement. Kask and Urso, consultants, will be presenting a process, with options, to take NC State from Examiner through Action Projects to starting a Systems Portfolio. Kask and Urso were recommended by Washington State Community College. Meeting will be scheduled for presentation. Kate, Committee. One week. Another consultant who had worked with Zane State Community College sent a packet of information but was unwilling to visit the campus to present a proposal. An AQIP web site will be established with links from the faculty portal and the staff intranet. Information to be posted will include AQIP-related documents, the Committee’s Mission Statement, meeting minutes, important links. Establish web site. Kate By next meeting. AQIP-related accomplishments will be publicly posted, possibly through the President’s office web site. Post reports on AQIP-related accomplishments. Committee October 2005. The Committee will use e-mail for communication. Establish a group e-mail address and communicate this to the College. Kate was selected as Committee facilitator. Kate One week. Done. The Committee needs a leader/facilitator. Committee