2009 (Internal)

Integrating AQIP Processes at NC State – Update Report, August 2009
#1. Describe the past year's accomplishments and the current status of this Action
The AQIP Steering Committee was disbanded April 2009. Responsibility for
managing/monitoring AQIP processes was accepted by the College’s Planning Advisory
Council (PAC). The College’s AQIP Liaison became a member of the Council and has
brought AQIP-related items to the PAC’s agenda.
The AQIP Steering Committee’s successes were celebrated at a luncheon with the
President in May 2009.
In May 2009, the College’s AQIP Category Leaders re-organized, met, and established a
process for updating the Systems Portfolio that is intended to streamline and reduce
redundancy in the Portfolio. The process included using a spreadsheet to identify where
in the Portfolio the College’s initiatives and projects should be addressed in full, and
sharing documents and communicating via Microsoft Office Live Workspace. The first
draft of the Portfolio revision is due September 2009.
PAC managed the College’s action projects -- approving two new, continuing one, and
retiring two projects. Annual update reports were submitted to the AQIP Liaison August
2009 (due to AQIP September 2009), to be forwarded to PAC for review.
PAC’s ability to manage AQIP processes was included in its self-evaluation conducted
June 2009. Recognizing that it was early going yet, no problems were identified.
#2. Describe how the institution involved people in work on this Action Project.
This project has raised the level of commitment and communication regarding AQIP
processes at the College by moving the responsibility for managing/monitoring AQIP
processes to PAC, the group that leads strategic planning and budgeting, and making
the AQIP Liaison a member of PAC.
#3. Describe your planned next steps for this Action Project.
The next critical steps are for PAC to require quarterly reporting on Action Projects and
the Systems Portfolio revision, forwarding those reports to the President. PAC also
needs to prepare for the Quality Checkup Visit in 2009-10.
#4. Describe any "effective practice(s)" that resulted from your work on this Action
The use of Microsoft Office Live Workspace for communication and document-sharing
may be a promising practice, although it is still early going in the AQIP Category
Leaders’ experience with it.
#5. What challenges, if any, are you still facing in regards to this Action Project?
The biggest challenge is in revising/updating the Systems Portfolio. It is not something
we are (yet) good at, and the people who are responsible have many demands on their
#6. The optional question:
If you would like to discuss the possibility of AQIP providing you help to stimulate
progress on this action project, explain your need(s), and tell us who to contact and